Fire Emblem 30版,任天堂2021年,PS5錄音,Xbox Series S 4K | Spawncast 186號

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  1. I think collects editions should have the option of having physical and digital. Especially since the new consoles are going to have units without disk drives. I only buy digital so I miss out on cool collectors editions.

  2. 11:45 You okay missclick? I missed what the initial reason was but you seemed to be trying really hard to hold an emotion in, not sure what that was, ? Mean nothing weird by this just noticed it…

  3. Series s still outputs a 4k signal… it』s just a 1440p rendering target box. Just think of it as less concern with image clarity rather than it literally outputting a 1440p signal. Cmon Spawn you know more about this shit than I do.

  4. I have bought every console by both Sony and Microsoft, but I am now just going to stick with PC gaming and Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft have both done way too much political pandering this year, and I am done with both of them.

  5. 39:13 that's wild…I thought of the GBA super Mario 3 special edition ROM on the Wii U that came pre packaged with ALL of the e card levels. That special ROM is out there and I've been playing that version on the 3DS with either injection or mGBA and it works super well.

  6. Glad MVG is around to explain how the Series S actually works after last week, there's not a "governor" on the back of the system that's not going to let it be in 4k if the system can process that. I'd still rather go 1440p @ 120hz all day over 4k 30 or even 60 on certain titles.

  7. One thing has become obvious to me after reading the comment sections. You guys really don't like OJ, miss click, and DC guy. Lol why even watch the podcast when you hate almost half the freaking cast?

  8. Nintendo might wait to release the next Mario Kart in 2022. Cause that will be the 30th anniversary of Mario Kart. I think that would be a great way to celebrate its anniversary

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