
英國的年輕健康志願者可以在高度受控的條件下故意暴露於冠狀病毒中,以加快疫苗的開發。 (訂閱:https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)政府將為所謂的人類挑戰試驗投入超過3000萬英鎊,這意味著研究人員不必等到受試者自然感染即可。 希望該項目將於一月份開始。 ———————–在Instagram上關注我們-https://www.instagram.com/Channel4News。

  1. What I am worried about is not the vaccine not working agsinst covid-19. The problem is the side effects that can appeat years later. Imagine if all the young people who took it get damaged DNA, and thier future kids show strenge signs?

  2. Unbelievable!! This must be the first time I've heard mainstream media call the virus by its proper name!!!

    I fear Tedros will not be happy!!

  3. Hello PRO VAXXERS…please watch the following documentary…IF..thereafter you think you have a leg to stand upon, with your very weak scientific arguments based on years of indoctrination from vaccine propaganda…please look at the largest library on Earth on Vaccine Papers and Vaccine Science that is owned by the scientist in the Green Dress and realise, YOU HAVE BEEN CONNED AND CANNOT ARGUE WITH THE REAL FACTS AND REAL SCIENCE. https://www.bitchute.com/video/akE3uenqTfOj/ good luck with your baseless arguments!! 😉 Good luck with that Covid vaxx too LOL you utter idiots!!

  4. 9 min mark…baby…I'm gonna send you a proper KISS of bliss, from yours truly, via the newly, invented insane developments https://www.bitchute.com/video/j8pO3bbpYch0/ XXX LOL yes just stick a plastic bag on your heads and alls well theat ends so well 😉 YOU FUCKING IDIOTS…COVIDIAN CULTIST FOOLS. Bought into the wholescale sale of humanity into insanity for the pharma industrial technocrat industry, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!

  5. 7% test results might be true, says Boris Johnson. Raab admitted the same. External studies confirm 89-94% false positive. To take that further a moment, bear in mind that its UNLICENSED as a TEST for DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES.. SO at the bare minimum its FRAUD!!

  6. This is insane if so many are infected why infect others?Just cure sick ppl?What's the point of lockdown ,mask,2 meters?Even if they pay few milions who accept to be infected?Ok ,I know I could die but at least I have money ,no?Lol

  7. 1st possibile DEATH from the OXFORD ASTRAZENECA VACCINE TRIAL https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-brazil-vaccine/volunteer-in-oxford-covid-19-vaccine-trial-has-died-brazil-health-authority-says-idUSKBN2762MO?fbclid=IwAR1PNIdrv6r2bqpEDmH_-Ymj8VfaGZMBWFwd7-JQPcZReNOtL8VEtt14GCI Unconfirmed for now, and expect it to be a BBC stunt, like the one at the start of the year to pretend Conspiracy Theorists claims are baseless. LOOK at the REAL DATA of their actual studies. THEY ARE FRAUDULENT!!

  8. Sorry COVID is false… your Oligarch Queen and your 33degree Masons are stashing up medicines and food stores and weapons. To go underground in the USA. Look tunnels from New York to California. They are just stashing supplies for the 400 year Troglodyte lives. The second round of supposed COVID is for the food, medicine, weapons and ammo when they return to the surface. Watch when London is nuked by Russia for the First World War and the Second World War. Your oligarch Queen and the Masons will be in America learning about American baseball. Why the Prince and his American wife defected to America so your fat cats of British have a place to escape too. Watch and wait.

  9. Lol the whole population』ll be infected by then.. I wouldn』t sign up, js because they say it』s 「scientific」 doesn』t mean it is. Yes this method』s been used for centuries.. because it』s quack medicine!!

  10. Be AWARE that PHASE 4 of these COVID VAXX is the whole world vaccinated and tracked for 2 years by sophisticated surveillance systems https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/google-oracle-covid-vaccine/?itm_term=home YOU WILL ALL BE A MASS EXPERIMENT OF POTENTIALLY LETHAL AND DNA ALTERING VACCINATIONS under DARPA, CIA and Tech Giant Control. 100% vaccination for a disease that 99.97% survive and are totally unaffected by! MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL!! Unless the vaccine is NOT FOR IMMUNITY AT ALL!

  11. It's not like anything bad happens to lab rats during drug development…what's the worst that could happen….win the Darwin award?

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