取消對2020 iPad Air 4和Apple Pencil第二代的裝箱

嗨,大家好! 對於今天的視頻,我想嘗試一些新的東西。 我從未做過任何技術視頻,我認為嘗試一些新東西會很有趣! 希望大家喜歡看著我開箱並設置新的iPad Air 4和第二代Apple Pencil。 *發給企業的電子郵件* [email protected] *與我保持聯繫*個人Instagram:@thandiinger business Instagram:@thegirlygoldmine網站:www.thegirlygoldmine.com *常見問題解答*我要用什麼拍攝? iPhone X我可以用什麼進行編輯? Cute Cut Pro和iMovie我的發布時間表是什麼? 我還沒有人我的電子郵件是什麼? [email protected] *音樂* Ryan Little- flew da coupe簡介:Joakim Kuwada的夢想(已減慢)(我不擁有,也不聲稱擁有本視頻中的任何音樂),請隨時評論視頻創意: )謝謝收看! 標籤:iPad,iPad Air 4,iPad Air 4拆箱,Apple Pencil,Apple Pencil拆箱,新iPad拆箱,iPad Air 10.9拆箱,2020 iPad拆箱,第二代Apple Pencil,Apple Pencil 2拆箱,小型youtuber,未贊助技術評論,iPad Air 4設置,美觀,美觀的iPad,拆箱,ASMR,iPad Air和Apple Pencil拆箱,iPad Air 4和Apple Pencil 2拆箱,技術,技術評論。

  1. Jesus Christ is coming soon guys it's never too late to give your life to the Lord I PROMISE YOU IT'S WORTH IT ! Have you ever had this feeling that something's missing in your life ? Like you could have all the money and things you want but there's still this void… you're missing Jesus Christ, the Son of God !! when you give your life to the Lord it's like this never ending feeling of fulfillment and joy overcomes you… like i promise you guys it's worth it ! If you're interested in getting saved say this beautiful prayer and mean it genuinely and you'll be saved by the grace of God
    "Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.
    After getting saved you will need to continue to build your relationship with God which is possible through prayer, fasting, reading the Bible and even fellowship with other Christians. If you don't know how to pray you can start off with The Our Father Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13; and if you don't know where to start when reading the Bible, start with the first four Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Ik some versions of the Bible such as KJV may be hard to understand which is why i would recommend the NIV or the GNB for better understanding.
    I'm not tryna come off as better or holier than anyone by sharing my faith but mannn if y'all only know how good God has been to me and how AMAZING He is to those who believe in him and seek him y'all would for sure wanna be involved in his unconditional love !! Leave your questions if you have any and i'll try my best to answer them. I really love you all and pray that you will come to Christ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. I've been wanting one of this so bad and i'm almost done saving up for one so i'm excited I may get it soon. This is probably the 17th unboxing vid ive watched.

  3. Ever since I knew I was getting this… I』ve been watching these unboxing videos and getting super excited! I』m getting the sky blue color and it』s arriving on November 10-18 but I』ll be on a trip haha unless it comes a bit earlier

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