24小時後的iPhone 12 Pro:我的想法!

iPhone 12系列終於來了! 在過去24小時內使用過iPhone 12 Pro之後,我的想法如下。 如果您喜歡這部影片,非常感謝您給我個贊和訂閱,這對您有很大幫助。 還可以隨時在下面列出的任何社交媒體頁面(或所有頁面)上關注我! 在YouTube上訂閱我:http://www.youtube.com/markspurrell?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/MarkSpurrellYT Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/MarkSpurrell我的裝備:索尼a7iii:https://amzn.to/2oqMr2P索尼a6300:https://amzn.to/2tKWcra Sigma 18-35mm 1.8(EF):https://amzn.to/2tJfk98 Cinevate Duzi 4 Slider:https:/ /amzn.to/2tNJmbP Manfrotto 504HD:https://amzn.to/2Mxp1z9我本質上是一個技術書獃子,但我也喜歡電影製作。 跟隨您的熱情。 為自己的信念而戰。永不放棄。 標記免責聲明:此描述中的某些鏈接是Amazon Affiliate鏈接。 單擊這些鏈接後從亞馬遜訂購將為您提供少量利潤,無需額外費用即可支持該渠道。 謝謝! 。

  1. There is no such thing as bad publicity, if you really want apple to stop jacking up prices, stop making videos like this. you guys have been complaining about the pricing since the 6, look at you guys now, still buying and complaining, just pay no attention to apple and their prices will go down, just give them that feeling that they are out of trend and let domino effect take its course, apple doesn't care about youtubers, then do the same, youtubers should not make reviews or any reaction to it, and i guarantee you they'll suddenly do sponsorships, then kick them while they are down, they cant just get away with this with all their unconventional repairs and no chargers now..

  2. But…if you've already got the brick, you've also already got the standard cable. Why would the addition of a USB-C cable in the box make any difference to that fact?

  3. I can get this phone with the power charger and Apple case or the iPhone SE WITH Apple Watch ⌚️! I don』t know what to choose, please give me some advice!

  4. First time watching your video. Felt like you』re about to speedy change into Superman costume..you should audition for the role ?. Nice content ..

  5. I have an 11 pro but if I do upgrade it will be for the 12 mini or the 12 pro. The mini is the full screen small phone I』ve been wanting since the X came out, with a 5s design. 90% sure I』ll go that route. Reason I would skip the regular 12 is because by default you have to go up in storage from the base model to 128gb, which makes it close enough to the pro that I would just take a slightly better camera and brighter screen, more ram for the $120 or so difference…since the base model pro is 128gb. If the regular 12 had a starting storage of 128 for the same price I would take that one.I』m a mover and a shaker, so a small, light, full -screen oled 12 mini sounds like the kind of thing I might keep in my front right pocket for 2 years for a change.

  6. I think that Apple is waiting on a major screen upgrade that will up the hertz and removes the notch, I think this will happen when they go portless in a year or two

  7. I really want this blue it』s my favorite color but I won』t be able to upgrade for another year or two so I think I』m gonna keep it safe and sleek with graphite . People get tired of colors quickly I had a red 7plus and I hated it after a couple months ?

  8. The main reason I personally felt for removing the charger, is

    1. an indication of removing charging port, promoting wireless.

    2. not generous to give 20W charger in the box. Giving a 5W charger for this price will make people laugh with the ass

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