
在2013年至2020年之間在普雷斯頓火車站保留的蒸汽牽引火車的畫面,機車特色包括:-46233薩瑟蘭公爵夫人(LMS加冕禮)-60009南非聯盟(LNER Gresley A4)-45407蘭開夏郡Fusilier(LMS黑色5 )-44871(LMS黑色5)-45699 Galatea(LMS銀禧)-46100皇家蘇格蘭(LMS皇家蘇格蘭)-61994大侯爵(LNER K4)-45231黑五(LMS黑色5)-45690利安德(LMS銀禧)- 46115蘇格蘭衛隊(LMS Royal Scot)機車正在拖運各種工作,包括:-Cumbrian Mountain Express; -威爾士登山家; -錫浴; -萊克蘭德; -Pennine Blackpool Express; -輕載測試和機車運動。 普雷斯頓火車站目前位於西海岸幹線,大約在倫敦尤斯頓和格拉斯哥中央(略靠近後者)中間。 它於1838年開放,於1880年重建,並於1974年實現電氣化。它位於普雷斯頓市中心,靠近裡布爾河,阿文納姆和米勒公園,溫克利廣場,公園酒店,費希爾蓋特橋,縣政府和聖路易斯沃爾伯格教堂 。

  1. An excellent compilation, much enjoyed thank you David, comprehensively captioned without intrusion on the great shots. Very helpful documentation too. Kind regards, Bob

  2. A superb collection of shots which seems to happen less and less now since steam rarely goes through Preston nowadays ! Is there a camcorder that you could recommend for someone who is looking to buy? – Joe

  3. Great shots showing off Preston. Brings back memories of when I went to University there, espically that clip of 45231 as I used to live at the student accomodation you filmed it from

  4. Brilliant compilation David. Nice sounds from a great selection of locos. Preston is a splendid looking station. Enjoyable watching. Kind regards C&A

  5. Excellent, brings back memories of my childhood, visiting grandparents in Preston. Sometimes a night train – cheaper fares – from Euston behind a Black Five, usually. Thank you!

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