守望先鋒地圖2020清單! -最好和最糟糕!

守望先鋒地圖等級列表2020! 最佳和最差地圖均由ME STYLOSA評分! 我們開工吧!!!! 在這裡製作自己的守望先鋒地圖層列表https://tiermaker.com/create/overwatch-maps-3650?我的新Stylosa Plays頻道! http://bit.ly/StylosaChannel?Twitter https://twitter.com/stylosa?Insta http://www.instagram.com/stylosa?Discord立即加入! https://discord.gg/stylosa?PATREON競選! http://www.patreon.com/unitlost?Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/stylosa。

  1. Dorado is my favorite to play but least favorite to look at considering the artistic inspiration is not from source material. I've had some of the most nail biting games on Eichenwalde 3rd point. I hate Volskaya. I hope they fix Horizon, because it was my favorite map as a new player before I learned how bad it was haha.

  2. Tbh Anubis is my least favorite map ever. Second point feels so excruciatingly hard to take because I feel the defenders spawn too close to point. Can』t tell you how many times I have contested point b on attack for like 3 minutes straight while the enemy team sends, Hammond, Mei, Lucio, Tracer, all to be obnoxious and contest while the team spawns

  3. I actually really like Rialto. I'd go so far as to put it as an A-tier map imo. I'd bump Oasis down to C-tier. Gardens is the only round of Oasis I actually like. Volskaya is C-tier for me. I actually really dislike Chateau Guillard. Castillo is the best of the Elim maps imo. And I don't really mind Horizon all that much. Maybe make it C-tier, but it's certainly nowhere near as bad as Paris.

    Also, you missed Havana. C-tier for me tbh

  4. I don't know why people dont like Horizon. It was a map that we saw the most about of varied comps on, dive, bunker and goats. It was a map that also was really good for hitscan (back when they were bad)for heros like Solider, Mccree and Ashe, even heroes like Torb, Mei and Reaper were great on. All the while is was a map that Widow was actually pretty bad on because she didn't have enough range to play safely.

    I think it just got removed because lower rank players were confused by a map that didn't have a defining choke point for them to stand at and poke through.

  5. If I had to do this myself:
    S – King』s Row, Eichenwalde, Rialto, Busan
    A – Gibraltar, Havana, Lijiang, Illios
    B – Hanamura, Numbani, Oasis,
    C – Blizzard World, Route 66, Dorado
    D – Volskaya, Horizon, Paris

  6. here's another tier list idea

    You make the tiers of the best parts of the maps, u can either take one part of each map to represent that map or do it how u want

    just do this but instead of talking about the whole map u only talk about your favorite parts of each map or even a couple of each map and such

  7. You left out Havana.
    My list didn't include the 1 v 1 maps
    1. King's Row
    2. Ilios
    3. Anubis (yes, I love Anubis)
    4. Gibraltar
    5. Nepal
    6. Eichenwald
    7. Lijang
    8. Hanamura
    9. Junkertown
    11. Numbani
    12. Dorado
    13. Havana is Okay

    I love Sanctuary on Busan, but the other two make me roll my eyes.
    The rest can suck a big toe.

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