
有時,最大的刺激就是發現正在您的雷達下飛舞的東西。 如果您追求這種感覺,那麼您來對地方了。 在Netflix上有很多發現,從崇高到荒謬,然後又回到。 當電影《從黃昏到黎明》在1996年上映時,沒有人期望它會像電視連續劇一樣重獲新生。 好吧,也許一個人做到了。 羅伯特·羅德里格斯(Robert Rodriguez)從他的好友昆汀·塔倫蒂諾(Quentin Tarantino)編寫的劇本中執導《從黃昏到黎明》。 快進到2014年,《從黃昏到黎明:系列》在羅德里格斯(Rodriguez)自己的El Rey網路上首播。 該系列影片繼《壁虎兄弟》,《塞思》和《 Richie》以及由Richie的短暫融合引致的日益猛烈的攻擊之後出現。 雖然演出開始時人們可能並不熟悉這兩位主角,但配角演員卻是另一回事,以威默·瓦爾德拉瑪(Wilmer Valderrama),唐·約翰遜(Don Johnson),羅伯特·帕特里克(Robert Patrick)和黛米·洛瓦托(Demi Lovato)等名字著稱。 原始電影中的演員也以新角色出現在該系列中,包括丹尼·特雷霍和湯姆·薩維尼。 如果您看過原始電影,就會知道自己要幹什麼; 殘酷,暴力,蛇和吸血鬼。 電影中由塔倫蒂諾(Tarantino)和喬治克魯尼(George Clooney)出演的角色壁虎兄弟(Gecko Brothers)的兩位主角很快就可以熱身了。 埃扎·岡薩雷斯(EizaGonzález)也做得非常出色,為薩爾瑪·海耶克(Salma Hayek)填補了空缺。 如果您喜歡羅德里格斯和塔倫蒂諾在原始電影中帶給您的世界,那麼《從黃昏到黎明:系列》將帶您回到那個世界,並將您沉浸在您最初沒有看到的部分中。 繼續關注有關添加到您的必看列表的被低估的Netflix寶石的更多信息。 #Netflix#必須從黃昏直到黎明觀看:系列| 0:00好時間| 1:25冰凍的土地| 2:20殺死Gunther | 2:59午夜特惠| 3:55星塵| 4:39如上所述,因此低於| 5:43在月亮的陰影中| 6:29無法保證安全| 7:18有所有禮物的女孩| 8:22無盡| 9:13瘋子| 10:15閱讀全文:https://www.looper.com/205738/underrated-netflix-gems-to-add-to-your-must-watch-list/。

  1. Ughhh why tf do From dusk till dawn(movie version) fans hate series? It is actually pretty good and underrated!
    At least give it a chance.

  2. From Dusk Till Dawn: The TV series
    Good Time
    Frozen Ground
    Killing Gunther
    Midnight Special
    As Above So Below
    In The Shadow of The Moon
    Safety Not Guaranteed
    The Girl With All The Gifts
    The Endless

  3. maniac, forgot I saw it but remember it is worth spending your time to watch, compared to the trash that is produced now it's light years ahead.

  4. I really wish more people watched From Dusk til Dawn the TV show so it kept going! I loved it! Plus both Seth and Richie are SO hot! Especially Richie. I was in love with him! And of course there's the beautiful Eiza Gonzalez.

  5. Everything is fine now need extra money with maximum amount without theftnaya cases. AK-Card is a good friend unknown unknowingly place Defaulted can't overProtected uncoverLyn herself enemy can't manipulated everything belongs to Gee itself customer service based on Procedure Logically GLifeG-Way G-Lawyers G-Law G-Money G-Hulk G-Name don't care about uncoverLyn herselfmaidhurt enemy neighbours can't get anything onDisplayhurtstage punishment times now because they're complot withsurrounding nayaGXterbaliklife G-Straight away from home unknowns SellingJuwitaLynSue itself to others not Suitability with ourselvesKitself Invaluables CharlizeTGKCityWide-Go 99.9% need without theftnaya cases. ADX. D-Max CostDGitself clearly said that's they'reXrasa also Maid can't overProtected uncoverLyn herselfmaidhurt enemy neighbours complot with surrounding complaints dendam dangerously place in England. G-Talk CharlizeTKeith itselfownDD3 players Fullerton in England.

  6. From Dusk till Dawn is a favourite movie of mine. The series on the other hand, I thought was utter bollocks. Really disliked the 2 lead actors. Weird.

  7. In the Shadow of the Moon was meh. Good premise, poor execution. The first third of the movie was intriguing but when the mystery unravels, the film unraveled as well.

  8. I『ve watched „From Dusk till Dawn「 several times now and I just love it ?
    Especially the friendship/partnership between Katy & Seth

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