拉什利退出! 史蒂夫評論GFW摔跤比賽9/14/17

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  1. I have always been a royal TNA or impact or GFW guy since 08 so I'm glad they are starting to get attention. WWE has been boring to me this whole month and just when i think something cool will happen there Barron loses his cash in. As for Raw I'm already sick of Kurt as the GM WWE is just getting boring so long story short I'm happy that Steve covers GFW even made my choice of becoming a patreon supporter even easier

  2. Bobby would be the next Universal Champ if he came to Raw.

    Did we ever see Lesnar vs Lashley? I don't think so, not sure.

  3. When someone says : "Am I the only one?" they are usually not the only one.

    So am I the only one who dislikes Wrestling with Wregret and loves Steve & Larson and Kevin Scampioli?

  4. Lashley vs Lesnar is something I've wanted to see in the octagon for a few years but he really should go to wwe if they offer him a deal. Last time I watched Lashley wrestle was when he defended our presidents hair

  5. I'm sure the reason they didn't show the full match in Tijuana it was probably because since the match was on the Crash program, they "lend" the full match for Crash to air it on Mexico while GFW showed the highlights in cinematic fashion… And since the Impact program was taped, it wasn't an big deal for the live crowd anyway…

  6. Saw the show must of it was pretty cool. Jim Cornet was great. Man…Lashney is boring. All these years and he still can't count a promo. Eli was good. though yeah he is a bit Rock-ish. Taya Valkyrie was good. I think her movement is to go with her Queen of Queens gimmick. Or Reina de Reinas based on the title she was striped of. It works odd Rosemary didn't show up/. I'd have thought they'd do stuff with that. Why is Karen Jarret still on tv? EC 3's match was good. Though the point system thing is a bit meh. I'd just drop all that and have his title be like a US or IC title. Low-Ki vs Jonny insert last name here. Was pretty good. Should be fun to see his match with Eli.  Mouse was good, but again why is Lsheney the void of all charisma in the main event? Were their no Bob the punching bags around? It would have given pour Mouse more to work with. Dutt and Trevor Lee had a good match.  Grado's bit with Jason Parks was ok. Since this is leading to the Abyus and Grado match.  Garza Jr.'s match with dude was ok. I may try to watch More Impact now that Dutch is the head booker.  Cool U-tube show as always.

  7. It's amazing and it should speak volumes how bad Impact/TNA/GFW is that they can get great characters and wrestlers and still manage to have horrible shows every week. I really think it would've been best for everyone if they had folded last year so the talent can either go to ROH and New Japan (WWE doesn't want them).

  8. LAX was talking about playing Zelda: Breath of the Wind and whether or not they were going to watch the My Little Pony movie again.

  9. Lashley asked for his release, but Cornette and IMPACT and Anthem officials have now decided to cancel the release due to Lashley's assault on Moose that closed the show.

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