毀滅之王:英雄聯盟的故事-宣布預告片-Nintendo Switch

反對廢墟的崛起來自飛艇集團的《毀滅之王:英雄聯盟故事》是一款單人回合制RPG,擁有最爛的比爾基沃特。 扮演《財富小姐》,《伊洛瓦伊》,《布勞姆》,《亞索》,《阿赫里》或《派克》,勇敢地闖入不斷攀升的黑霧。 將於2021年初加入Nintendo Switch。了解更多信息:https://ruinedking.com/訂閱更多Nintendo的樂趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot訪問Nintendo.com以獲取所有最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/在Facebook上像任天堂一樣:http://www.facebook.com/Nintendo在Twitter上關注我們:http://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica在Instagram上關注我們:http:// instagram .com / Nintendo在Pinterest上關注我們:http://pinterest.com/Nintendo。

  1. This trailer tells me absolutely nothing. I guess the "League of Legends" in the name suggests it could mean something to people who have played that game. Pretty bad trailer for everyone else.

  2. Do people not know this is a single player turned-based rpg. If only there was something along with the video that gave a description… that's a thing isn't it… so maybe people need to kust be less stupid.

  3. New smash character announcement
    fans: hyped
    league of legends music is playing
    fans: omg!
    narrator: raising star seraphine is taking the spot!
    fans: left the chat

  4. Ok…. I wasnt expecting that…. but now that I know its possible I just wished that LOL was available for the Switch

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