
反對廢墟的崛起來自飛艇集團的《毀滅之王:英雄聯盟故事》是一款單人回合制RPG,擁有最爛的比爾基沃特。 扮演《財富小姐》,《伊洛瓦伊》,《布勞姆》,《亞索》,《阿赫里》或《派克》,勇敢地闖入不斷攀升的黑霧。 將於2021年初上線遊戲機和PC。保持最新狀態:Twitter(@riotforge)Facebook(@RiotForge)Instagram(@RiotForge)了解有關飛艇聯合組織的更多信息:http://www.airshipsyndicate.com/關於Riot Forge:Riot Forge成立於2019年,是一家專註於玩家和開發商的發行商,其使命是通過提供定製的「完美」遊戲,將《英雄聯盟》的世界帶入新的玩家和平台。 Forge的首張專輯《 Ruined King》將於2021年初發布。Forge是Riot Games的發行商標,是Riot研究與開發計劃的補充。 Forge專註於與Riot Games之外的經驗豐富的工作室合作,因為這些遊戲將由我們的合作工作室開發和開發,並由Riot Forge發行。 發行的每款遊戲都將擴大《英雄聯盟》的範圍,並讓玩家體驗前所未有的聯賽。 特色音樂:JAXSON GAMBLE的王國撰寫者:William Van Alstine和Jay Stolar https://open.spotify.com/artist/4fRTIcYOLFAp5rrKUqLHAI https://www.instagram.com/wearejaxsongamble/ https://www.facebook.com / JAXSONGAMBLE /-抒情詩這是我的王國這是我的領域你不能奪走我所見過的最偉大的東西你會記得我的名字我像紅色的太陽一樣升起我走過火焰你無法應付真正的傳說是我你會記得我的名字這是我的王國。

  1. Character choices are very bad. Riot just slaps yasuo, mf everywhere. We know when the last cinematic ahri and yasuo in a boat going somewhere but, main theme is ruined king? Where is the lucian, where is the yorick? Yoricks main purpose in the story is fix the ruination! Where is the yone? We love him but, why there is a f*cking Braum?!

  2. Predictions : Morde is the son of the Ruind king, Mordes mother was sick and the ruind king sent the best in his kingdom to find a cure for his wife's illness (kalista) found the blessed isles and the ruind king had to leave behind his son the young prince (morde) to travel to the blessed isles to find this cure but before leaving he gave morde a present a doll (shaco) as we know shaco was a toy before being corrupted by evil magic and years n years later mordes parents never returned and finally morde is in the ruind isles with his father reuniting as one together again to take over the world

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