NBA 2K21 PS5 / Xbox Series X-屬性如何確定徽章:MyPlayer Builder遊戲變化

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  1. Making a small forward that』s gonna be an absolute DOG. Getting my speed strength and vertical maxed and then going right to defense and shooting. Once that』s done I』m putting the on driving dunk ???

  2. I love being able to shoot and dribble and finish a bit. I love being tall and being to switch in a lot of situations. I like using screens and I also like to isom I think my build finna be a 6'7 playsharp if it can speedboost offrip.

  3. So you』ve basically told me I』m gonna spend multiple hours just in the player builder trying to figure out the best possible setup for my play style ?

  4. Good info. I』m keep it a buck, I love the direction of how we can control the creation of our players, if your player sucks … it』s on you.

    Solid content. Dap???

  5. Yo shake you think the contact dunks and pro moves will stay the same attribute wise or will it be based off badges?

  6. Rim protecting takeover better be a bit buffed because there』s so many centers that got posterized with that badge on ?

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