
隔離四年後,這種病毒發生了變化,我們也發生了變化….在邁克爾·貝(Michael Bay)生產的驚悚片《鳴禽》中,COVID-23病毒發生了突變,世界處於封鎖的第四年。 受感染的美國人被從家中撕裂,被迫進入被稱為Q區的隔離營,那裡沒有逃脫之地,因為一些勇敢的人反抗壓迫力量。 在這種反烏托邦景觀中,無畏的快遞員尼科(KJ Apa)對致命的病原體免疫,她對薩拉(索非亞·卡森)(Sofia Carson)充滿了希望和愛意,儘管她的禁閉令他們無法身體接觸。 當薩拉被認為已被感染時,尼科(Nico)拚命在洛杉磯貧瘠的街道上奔跑,尋找能使她免於入獄的唯一方法……或更糟的是。 Songbird是洛杉磯首部COVID-19期間大流行電影,也是關於大流行本身的,這部電影還飾演了布拉德利·惠特福德和黛咪·摩爾,他們是一對富有的夫婦,可能掌握了尼科的使命。 作為歌手的亞歷山德拉·達達里奧(Alexandra Daddario)陷入混亂而被禁止的婚外情。 保羅·沃爾特·豪瑟(Paul Walter Hauser)是一名殘疾退伍軍人,他最好的朋友-一隻名叫馬克斯(Max)的無人駕駛飛機,是他的世界的目光和耳朵。 克雷格·羅賓遜(Craig Robinson)擔任尼科的老闆; 彼得·斯托馬雷(Peter Stormare)是該市「衛生」部門的腐敗負責人,該部門抓住了被感染者並將其運送到Q區。 #ign。

  1. The real conspiracy theorists believe that the government cares about them, the media would never mislead or lie to them and the pharmaceutical industry that makes billions off sickness wants to cure them.

  2. This is ridiculous and very distasteful since people are dying of COVID as we speak. Making a weird romanticized movie about this is absolutely insane.

  3. This is such poor taste. As if people arnt paniced enough already, some people are just so insensitive . Can only see pot head conspiracy theorists watching this. Just not cool.

  4. This is what already goes on in Communist China. Don't let complete government control take control because it will never relinquish any newly found power. Nuclear weapons are a perfect example of an obsession with newly found power.

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