
下一代遊戲機是如此接近,我們聞起來就聞起來! 今天,我們有消息稱索尼粉碎了第三方定製PS5平板的計劃。 還有一個奇怪的消息,DualSense無法與PS4一起使用-但將與PS3一起使用。 還有國歌…還記得國歌嗎? 當BioWare最終發行Anthem 2.0時,我們會記得Anthem嗎? 所有這一切以及更多內容將在「新聞遊戲+更多」的另一集精彩內容中進行討論! 。

  1. i just want to know ….. can the ps5 be enclosed ? can it be put away into a cabinet. and does anyone have any updates on amazon preorders and when they are shipping.

  2. Pimp my plates w/ Xzibit… official partnership with Sony? Make it happen Sony. Then it would really be a weird PS5 news day.

  3. If they had a Spider Man Myles Morales PS5 Version at launch I would definitely buy a new console for it, but not in the middle of the generation its just not justifiable to me, but with the potential of removable plates I would 100% buy those especially if they look cool AF.

  4. More anit-consumer-ness from SONY/Playstation about not being able to custom your items (THAT YOU BUY) by sueing every customizable thing. PS5 is a great system but these tactics are sooo horrible selfish.

    Although, you could just buy a PC and CUSTOMIZE TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT. lol.

  5. Dbrand is already selling PS5 skins. I usually skin everything. I'm looking forward to using the DS5 controller with my PC. Once I move on from PS4, I probably won't go back anyway so there's not much need for backwards compatible controllers. I still have my PS3 and controllers but I don't use them.

  6. Anthem is so cool in a lot of ways. The gameplay is really fun and the verticallity is amazing to experience. The world and missions just don't grab u like Destiny's does. It could use some higher stakes and really involved characters. It has great customization of your suits though, it's some of the best. I'm hoping for a strong comeback….soon.

  7. Special edition PS5s that bundle with new games and have designs inspired by the game that comes with it, will be replaced by swappable plates. Instead of making a full console with a custom design they'll just sell swappable plates for already existing PS5s. This saves Sony money and increases their profit. And more players in result can have cool custom PS5s for less money!

  8. Platestation name was pretty close to the PlayStation name. The site ripped off the logos and slogans right from the ps5 without a license. This wasn』t a skin this was taking parts of the ps5 hardware and replacing it. OEM hardware being removed from intellectual property. That is why you see places selling skins vs actual changing the case itself.

  9. Trophies cards will only appears if you miss them and then you get the option to teleport back to that point and collect it.
    That's how i see it work

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