Apple Silicon Mac 11月活動已確認! 您需要知道的一切。

Apple正式確認11月10日舉行的Apple Silicon盛會。 在本集中,我們將分解下周的所有預期。 其中包括基於ARM的13英寸MacBook Pro和13英寸MacBook Air,以及更新的16英寸MacBook Pro相關鏈接: -announce-three-new-macbooks-with-apple-silicon-at-next-weeks-event / -還有一件事/ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ———訪問http://www.9to5mac.com了解更多信息:————————— ————————– FTC:我們使用有收入的汽車會員鏈接: FCPX插件通過MotionVFX:音樂(由Soundstripe提供):為帶有Rev的視頻添加字幕,現在即可享受$ 10的折扣:訂閱更多視頻:————————— ————————-通過單擊訂閱,您可以在我們的新視頻上線後觀看它們。 如果您點擊鐘形圖標,則會在上傳新視頻時收到通知。 另外,不要忘記單擊「贊」按鈕以保證視頻的質量。 這有助於將我們的內容展示給其他潛在的觀眾,幫助我們擴大頻道,從而使我們製作更多的視頻。 非常感謝您抽出寶貴的時間觀看比賽。我用來製作視頻的齒輪:————————– —————————計算機:iMac(2019):相機:佳能EOS-R:鏡頭:EF 24-70mm f / 2.8L II USM鏡頭:音頻介面:聲音設備MixPre-3 II: 38rESvo麥克風:Shure SM7B: PODCASTS:——————————— ——————–歡樂時光:每日:https://觀看時間: Stacktrace: / us / podcast / stacktrace / id1359435443 Apple @ Work:關註:—————– ———————————— http:// fMiles /標籤:————————— ————————– #apple #macbookpro #macbookair。

  1. Kinda awkward to release airtags now since people are still (mostly and should be) at home because of the pandemic

  2. I also bought mba air just 5 days ago because I don't want to be a beta tester of their first gen silicon mba . Apple also said it will take 2 year transition to silicon Mac's and they will continue making new intel Mac's . I believe there will be 12 inch silicon macbook and 13 inch silicon mbp and silicon imacs

  3. Yeah I think that would be awesome if apple would one day make a cheap version of MacBook Air with a 16」 inch screen size. But I』ll be happy with anything that comes out with apple silicon at this point.

  4. plot twist: apple will provide you with the older intel macbooks and then ask you to buy the ARM processers for another 1000 bucks and assemble it by yourself 😉 that』s apple for you

  5. 8:53

    I don't know how much the new apple processor will kill Intel cpus. Since Intel shot itself in the foot, by producing at best 10nm cpus currently, this therefore means it will be some light years behind in terms of process technology. Apple doesn't have to be better than average, to begin making circles around Intel cpus.

    Now , I know , I will have the usual responses about what each company measures when they report "nanometers". Or that transistor density does not always increase linearly with shrinking of dimensions. Agreed, but that is true to a minor degree. Even if TSMC or Samsung cheat, the distance between 5 to 10 nm , is huge let alone between 5 to 14nm. Even if the 5 nm of future Apple chips is equivalent to 7 nm of Intel's process(I very much doubt that), Intel is still at least a whole generation behind.

    If you want to know Apple's prowess on making chips for anything other than smartphones/ tablets, you should compare a13 bionic's cpu to AMD's Zen3 cpus. And A13's gpu to nvidia's gpus at 7nm or 7nm(refined-that would be the 3000 series)

  6. Hey…this is not a Mac anymore….it is this what you want and the most want something that breaks quickly and is expensive to repair and then just stands in the corner. I like older Macs because they make sense, are fast and are not used to play games.

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