
2小時不間斷的2020年崇拜歌曲與歌詞-有史以來最佳100首基督徒崇拜歌曲播放列表:1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrW4sPqAqjrCboga8nlR-Oey9yTRLYLj 2. https://www.youtube.com / playlist?list = PL6tcxYJG16l65qaXkkimx0ARuESDlssCO歡迎來到我的頻道。 您從上帝那裡得到了寶貴的禮物,在您的每一天都充滿愛與關懷。 ▶訂閱:https://goo.gl/CwXrIF►感謝您觀看視頻,不要忘了喜歡,評論,共享和訂閱我的頻道。#worshipsongs #christiangospel #praiseandworship您絕對無法抗拒這些精心編譯的靈魂令人振奮,令人驚嘆的藝術家們的敬拜之歌! 唱歌的時候,你是有福的。 嘿,別忘了通過分享敬拜,讚美,讚美和敬拜,新基督教,基督教歌曲,福音音樂,福音主題,敬拜歌曲,讚美敬拜歌曲,敬拜和讚美歌曲,敬拜歌曲2019,敬拜歌曲來祝福某人2019,基督教歌曲和讚美歌,讚美歌曲,基督教歌曲2019,希爾頌聯合,最新福音歌曲2019,最新福音音樂,不間斷基督教歌曲,帶歌詞的基督教歌曲,不間斷崇拜歌曲,希爾頌崇拜,基督教音樂,最佳崇拜歌曲福音歌曲,帶歌詞的基督教歌曲,帶歌詞的崇拜歌曲,帶歌詞的讚美和崇拜歌曲,為耶穌的崇拜歌曲,。

  1. "These are not my words"
    Study The Book of Daniel
    My Judgement will fall on those who talk against my minister
    Pray to be Cover And Protected By Many Angels
    2021 to 2025- Test And Trials

  2. Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    I am an christian teen who loves to praise the lord with music by playing guitar, and maybe one day Accordion.
    I ask for small favour which is to check out my most recent video and leave positive feedback if you enjoy it!
    You will encourage me to make more christian music and pursue a future doing this if it is succesfull!

    God Bless you!!!

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