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  1. I preffer Mobile legends than this. Because In ml thr damage abd attack speed is so powerful in the early game but in Lol Wild Rift its to slow and has Poor/weak Dmg. Yes you have the best graphics and skins but the speed and damage is trash. Who else agrees with me?

  2. I'd like to play with it longer but the slow movement, atk speed, inefficient of item arrangement and details, and lastly the multiple passive of a single hero is making it hard to master and play. On the contrary it's a nice well thought idea but the transition from pc to mobile is just too soon… I'll play it maybe at the end of the year… Hoping it'll be more of a mobile game than a pc game with mobile controls…. Well that's it for me thanks for listening if you are??☺

  3. Wildriift: my first skin cinematic released in Wildriift and i can do this anytime you want.

    Mobile Legends: i can't afford that but i can sell so much expensive skins.

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