貝絲的向下螺旋-女王的甘比特-場景| Netflix公司

貝絲·哈蒙(Beth Harmon)(安雅·泰勒·喬伊(Anya Taylor-Joy))在皇后的甘比特(Queen’s Gambit)中將事物提升到一個新的高度,並觸底反彈。 當獲勝時,一切都剩下了? 女王的甘比特(Queen’s Gambit)跟隨著年輕的國際象棋天才從孤兒院崛起到世界舞台。 但是,天才要付出代價。 沃爾特·特維斯(Walter Tevis)的開創性小說的引人入勝的改編現在由安雅·泰勒·喬伊(Anna Taylor-Joy)主演,並在Netflix上播出。 ➡️訂閱更多信息:http://bit.ly/29kBByr關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的流媒體娛樂服務,在190多個國家/地區擁有超過1.95億付費會員,他們收看各種類型的電視劇,紀錄片和故事片,語言。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需任何廣告或承諾。 在以下位置找到Netflix UK:➡️TWITTER:http://bit.ly/29lYvcs➡️INSTAGRAM:http://bit.ly/29slD8O➡️FACEBOOK:http://bit.ly/29mx00a或訪問Netflix網站:http:/ /nflx.it/29BcWb5貝絲的向下螺旋-女王的甘比特-全景| Netflix https://youtube.com/NetflixUK在1950年代的一家孤兒院中,一個年輕的女孩展現出驚人的國際象棋天賦,並開始了一場不太可能的成癮之旅,同時努力應對成癮問題。 。

  1. Damn. That maybe the sexiest breakdown I ever watch in YT. She really "got it" with those house clothes on. And the plot of this series is also good? Shit. Imma watch it.

  2. haven't watched this show yet but oh my god this scene is gorgeous and sad at the same time ? i love the colors

  3. Her personality and determination is so unique and fresh, unlike other movies/shows that it really attracts you to want to see more and follow on her next adventure, that's why this show is literally AMAZING

  4. I enjoyed how they handled the sexuality of her character – so many times they overplay that angle with young female protagonists. This was masterfully executed in the 7 part series. She effortlessly navigated the landmines and created a troubled yet fascinating human being. equal parts genius/drug addict/flawed/powerful… all rolled into one. Which ended up being somehow "sexy" without ever appearing to push for that angle. Really masterfully done…

  5. This is the only part of the series that I thought was FUCKING PROBLEMATIC. Not because I have a problem with the topic of addiction and mental illness, but because of the fucking framing. Do we need to see her butt in her lacy underwear while she is oh so prettily falling apart? This is top notch sexualizing addiction & mental illness. You could use it in a film class. NOTHING should be sexy about this.

  6. Anya had to freestyle dance this entire scene! And at 0:31 you could even see her right shoulder strap which came off but she seamlessly raised both arms and made it part of her dance! Talent.

  7. Can someone please tell me who is the 1960's band doing the "I'm Your Venus" track in the music video of this youtube video?

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