Songbird Trailer#1(2021)| 電影剪輯預告片

查看由KJ Apa主演的官方Songbird Trailer! 在下面的評論中告訴我們您的想法。 ►訪問Fandango:是否希望收到有關所有最新電影預告片的通知? 訂閱頻道,然後單擊響鈴圖標以保持最新。 美國發行日期:2021年主演:KJ Apa,珍娜·奧爾特加,索非亞·卡森,黛咪·摩爾,布拉德利·惠特福德導演:亞當·梅森劇情簡介:2022年,一場大流行肆虐了世界及其城市。 以少數人為中心,他們穿越當前阻礙社會發展的各種障礙:疾病,戒嚴,檢疫和治安警察。 觀看更多預告片:►熱門新預告片:►本周電影院:►戲劇預告片:►驚悚預告片:為您的電影痴迷加油:►訂閱MOVIECLIPS TRAILERS:►觀看電影剪輯來源:►在FACEBOOK上像我們一樣:http ://►在TWITTER上關注我們:►在INSTAGRAM上關注我們: Fandango MOVIECLIPS TRAILERS頻道提供熱門的新拖車,預告片,並偷看所有即將上映的最佳電影。 訂閱以隨時了解劇院和您喜歡的流媒體平台上的所有內容。 。

  1. Conspiracy research my fellow Americans. Our country has been under attack from the establishment for a long time and this election is its last push! For those of you that have put the mass media cartels BRAINWASH to the side and have been doing your OWN critical thinking and research this is basically confirming what we have already thought was coming is!

  2. F*cking disgusting… too bad this wasnt released beforehand so we could call this BS for what it is..

    *looks at Contagion trending on Netflix…

    Nevermind ?‍♀️

  3. Taking into account how long it takes to make a movie and releasing it days/weeks b4 the setting/theme of the movie actually happens. That's super suspicious

  4. What Devils they are releasing this. I rebuke it and bind and gag those nasty spirits IJN and send them back to the hell they came from. How dare they mock us? We should boycott this movie… it's bullshit. They always have to announce it… that's the deal. Well… we don't have to announce anything except our freedom and sovereignty.

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