白虎| 官方預告片| Netflix公司

來自著名作家導演拉明·巴哈拉尼(Ramin Bahrani)的旅程是一位貧窮的印度車手(阿達什·古拉夫(Adarsh Gourav))的史詩旅程,他運用機智和狡猾擺脫奴役,擺脫了富有的主人(Rajkummar Rao和Priyanka Chopra Jonas)的困境。堆。 《白老虎》改編自《紐約時報》暢銷書和2008年布克獎獲獎小說:阿拉維德·阿迪加(Aravind Adiga)撰寫。 訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的流媒體娛樂服務,在190多個國家/地區擁有超過1.95億的付費會員,他們可以收看各種流派和語言的電視連續劇,紀錄片和故事片。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 白虎| 官方預告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix。

  1. Well here comes the legendary book …….?❤️ I read that book twice its really marvelous….. waiting for the movie now???

  2. After reading the novel in 2011 first thing that striked in my mind was a movie with this storyline will be a reality one day , and look we are here ?

  3. I』m reading the white tiger novel by Adiga right now, so far in this trailer it has stay pretty close to the book! Although Priyankas character pinky madam should be more rude and disrespectful to Balram (the protagonist) although I don』t know what the movie will portray of her so 🙂

  4. Had to finish the book to watch this trailer, no one wants spoilers right!
    I urge everyone to read the book and then definitely watch this movie..
    So engaging, intense, savage, raw and candid.. ? just loved it..

  5. 1:05 damn thats the naked truth of India
    It's funny when you see fat belly people try to get slim belly by doing excersize based and some fitness app and gadgets and the other does manual labour to get fat belly .?1:27

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