
#牆內人士#翻牆# 牆內等天亮牆內人士:【牆倒之日必是中共滅亡之時,自由民主,中國人民有權擁有,牆內等天亮。 】 Telegram電報http://t.me/CaliforniaNewz Twitter推特https://twitter.com/CA_Today Facebook臉書http://www.facebook.com/NTDTVLA/ YouTube油管https://www.youtube.com /channel/UCasgarAYSHr6Vt_En2IBF7Q .

  1. Never stop praying and praying again praying and praying again praying and praying for God to bless Trump's safety and smooth election as the 2020 President of the United States of America ??. Pray for God to eradicate Satan the devil in the election. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will win the 2020 U.S. presidential election in the United States of America. Trump wins the profit. Amen! ???

  2. 我黨運氣好,六四全世界制裁時薩達姆侵佔科威特,老布希為了自家利益進攻伊拉克而幫我黨解了圍,小布希當總統時本想和我黨較量一下本拉登發動911事件又一次為我黨幫了忙,這回老川普號稱為正義收拾我們,哈哈傻拜登受幕後的黑手黨弄虛作假的操縱真正幫了大忙,可謂功德無量,血色的旗幡插遍世界指日可待!

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