沒有倒檔伊麗莎白! || 哈蒙vs貝爾蒂克|| Netflix的女王的甘比特

在https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G90SVhxKeig&vl=ar上查看拉希德(Rashid)著名的遊戲https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-上查看Morphy的「歌劇之夜」 2FpiEzeYI&vl = pt在Instagram上關注我以獲取更多內容https://www.instagram.com/agadmator/伊麗莎白·哈蒙(Elizabeth Harmon)vs哈里·貝爾迪克(Harry Beltik)Netflix系列-女王的甘比特·卡羅·坎恩,兩個騎士,3 … Bg4(B11)但實際上:拉希德·吉比亞托維奇·內日梅迪諾夫vs Genrikh Kasparian Spartak Team Ch(1955),里加·拉特·卡羅·坎恩防守:兩名騎士進攻。 Mindeno Variation Exchange Line(B11)1. e4 c6 2. Nf3 d5 3. Nc3 Bg4 4. h3 Bf3 5. Qf3 e6 6. g3 g6 7. Bg2 Bg7 8. OO Nd7 9. Qe2 d4 10. Nb1 e5 11. d3 Ne7 12. f4 Qc7 13. a4 OO 14. f5 f6 15. Nd2 Bh6 16. Kh2 Kh8 17. fg6 hg6 18. Nf3 Bc1 19. Rac1 Nc5 20. c3 Nb3 21. Rcd1 Rad8 22. Nh4 Qc8 23. Bf3 Qe6 24 。Bg4 Qf7 25. Nf3 Qg8 26. h4 Kg7 27. Rf2 Rd6 28. Rdf1 Rdd8 29. Qc2 b6 30. h5 c5 31. hg6 dc3 32. bc3 c4 33. d4 ed4 34. cd4 Nd4 35. Nd4 Rd4 36. e5 f5 37. Bf5 Qd5 38. Be6 Rh8 39.Bh3 Ng6 40.Rf7 Kh6 41.Qg6 Kg6 42.R1f6 Kg5 43.Rf5 Kg6 44.R7f6 Kh7 45.Rh5 Kg7 46.Rg5 Kh7 47.Bf5 ://teespring.com/stores/agadmators-swag-store https://teespring.com/design-with-a-story-tm您可以在其中發送郵件的郵箱:AntonioRadićAGADMATOR doo FranjeTuđmana12克羅埃西亞48260Križevcips這不是我的家庭住址:)與我聯繫:[email protected][email protected]在此處下載適用於iOS的agadmator國際象棋時鐘https://apps.apple.com/us/app/agadmator-chess-clock/id14744 61379?LS = 1&fbclid = IwAR2lhuxf60tpbW1vcvfXgdFzmShi6fHcrKxFF_NAhu9wLQwpJrAFbMWRYjk下載agadmator棋鐘的Android這裡https://play.google.com/store/Qapps/details?id=com.agadmator.chessclock&fbclid=IwAR3b_sRch6nsuW59-bWoirVDMMJ8V5jexZdUB0bsxQrc0Q8imvkBtqkHUXQ&rdid=com.agadmator.chessclock視頻通過創建OBS ————————————————- ————————————————– ————————————-如果您真的喜歡我的內容,歡迎提供支持我和我的頻道通過PayPal或Crypto進行了少量捐款。 鏈接到PayPal捐贈https://www.paypal.me/agadmator BTC地址3J7WigeEa95mNtZ8yJ26BBYexNz4r7XAUH BCH地址qzx5tu8uelq7s4tavsnk628f2t2s3g8gdvvnvcrvuq LTC地址MDrZdNjZm7btVkuLRdtrge9rwZn5TtjppM ETH地址0x5840140C59C8b25AB59f0a3F6248c1f9cF1F2A0C檢查出一些我喜歡https://www.amazon.com/ideas/amzn1.account書.AFWWCIBWCL5PGEPL73FDWK632F7Q / 2QAGBMLVXE7MG在這裡查看我的所有視頻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYgd5ZLdHz8&list=PLDnx7w_xuguFTxcfiM11bB1JchtHclEJg Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/agad agadmator Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/agadmator/巫妖:https://lichess.org/@/agadmator Chess.com:agadmator英雄聯盟:agadmator(EUNE,我的朋友正在使用我的EUWE帳戶兩年前)暴雪:agadmator#2992在這裡加入我們的Discord伺服器https://discord.gg/bY6BbRP。

  1. I know next to nothing about Chess but am here after Queens Gambit. Is Agadmator reading of a move sheet or has he memorised the moves? Seems like he knows what happened from memory.

  2. one thing i'm confused about is benny said she shouldn't have castled because she loses her advantage and if he plays 8… dxe4, she can't take back because of her queen knight, i don't get that, can anyone explain?

  3. My theory on why Harmon was talking during the game is because she has no idea how to behave in an official tournament. It is her first official tournament after all 😀

  4. How do you know the game played? I was watching this game and wondering how Agadmator knows the moves played because they don't show most of it. Only beginning and end.

  5. The original book was also written with the help of professional chess players whom the author does mention.
    I wonder how much they deviated things in the show. And I wonder how many people did read the actual book.

  6. "I'm not going to do any spoillers on the show"… proceeds to talk extensively about, AND EVEN SHOW A CLIP from the show.

  7. Show spoilers:

    What happened in the bathroom: She pulled out her stockfish engine that was hidden in her lipstick container and proceeded to win the game like that.

  8. 0:00 Hello everyone

    0:52 Dudley Dursley from Harry Potter

    1:06 Dive straight into it

    1:26 Striking in the centre

    2:46 Aourrghhh

    3:03 Never been reached again

    5:03 5:42 10:13 Captures captures 12:52 (..with check!) 11:54 (..and captures!)

    5:27 7:43 19:56 Bust open the position

    5:40 Double attack

    7:11 Double up rooks on the f file

    7:33 Completely lost

    9:10 Little clip from the show

    11:58 17:04 Of course completely winning

    12:42 Sorry about that

    13:52 17:15 Give you a couple of seconds

    14:01 19:55 No reverse gear philosophy

    14:03 17:31 Enjoy the show

    17:27 Queen's Gambit Netflix series series

    18:18 It was in this position

    18:21 Nothing more to be done

    19:10 Our good friend, the bishop

    20:28 22:23 So yeah

    20:42 Special assignment/very short clip

    23:08 Morphy saga

  9. I think she said 'I don't have to use my queen' because she saw the sacrifice with the queen but that's sounds like something Stockfish NNUE would say if he would have a voice.

  10. 14:42 When she says 'you can't get out of this,' she also says, 'but maybe if you didn't waste your time being late.' So technically she was right in that, there was a way out, but it would have required a lot of thinking time Beltik didn't have.

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