最佳射擊和拉力賽飾演Lorenzo Sonego STUNS Djokovic! | 維也納2020年四分之一決賽

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  1. Profi tennis is extremly demanding, especialy when everybody ''wants your scalp'' it is hard to find motive to play on highest level all the time! That said i do not want to take away anything from the extra inspired performance of Lorenzo Sonego

  2. Djokovic with poor IQ at the cat and mouse. Alot of mispredictions. he should of rallied him instead of trying to find finishers.

  3. Djokovic haters assemble.
    6th Year-End Number 1 secured, better than Rafa and Federer when he's younger than both, GET MADDDDDDDDDDDDDD BETCHES

  4. Wonderful match won by an intelligent & sharp Sonego. More losses to Novak will make him a better loser & get anger management under control.

  5. What the hell is with all the damn drop shots. Hit the freaking ball and stop trying to be cute Djokovic. The use of the drop shot is a crutch.

  6. As much as I want to like Djokovic, he makes himself so unlikeable. This is the second tournament in a row where you see him shouting 「Ajde! Ajde! Daj mi loptu!」 at the ball boy and ball girls (meaning 「Let』s go! Let』s go! Give me the ball!」). He can』t control his rage when he』s losing and it』s unbecoming of a champion.

  7. I am Novák fan but i was little disappointed from Novák . He didnt give his 100 percent . Even though he Has already Been end no 1 . How Can sonego mantain this level fór complete 2 sets this was the difference betweeon top 3 and the test they always played one set then drop the level .Novák will WIN world tower final and he will meet sonego in Austrálian open and IT will be 3:0 fór serbian . The sonego played against Novák if he play that level he Can beat rublev in 2 set .by the ATP Vienna isnt 250 IT IS 500

  8. Before you continue celebrating let me break your "Sonego amazing" narative. Our patriarch died on that day (like pope died in Catholic church), so Novak was questioning even if he should play, being very religious person ?

  9. Why does it always look like Djokovic is not interested in the match whenever he loses to a regular player ranked around halfway top 100? It seems like when he loses to a player like Sonego it's because of his lack of interest, not the opppnent playing better than him. That's one of the reasons he will never be as loves by the fans as they love Roger and Rafa, they never show this whatever attitude on court against any opponent.

  10. Kad mu je premino deda on je u Monte Karlu pobedio mec. Kada je preminula Jelena Gencic on je na Roland Garosu pobedio mec. I sad ga je kao pogodila smrt Amfilohija Radovica do te mere da se izblamirao kao najveci jadnik. I opet se umanjuje sjajna igra protivnika. Prilicno bedno gledano ovako sa strane.

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