如何在華為P40 Pro上下載Google服務? 100%工作!

如果您在尋找有關華為P40 Pro的其他指南,請訪問我們的網站:https://www.hardreset.info/devices/huawei/huawei-p40-pro/最後,我們找到了100%可使用Google服務的方法在華為P40 Pro上! 該方法非常簡單,只需按照視頻中的步驟逐步操作即可。 如果您有任何疑問或想分享您對這種方法的看法,請在評論部分進行,也請記住與他人分享並留下一個小貼士。 如何在華為P40 Pro中安裝Google服務? 如何在華為P40 Pro中下載Google服務? 如何在Huawei P40 Pro中獲取Google服務? 如何在華為手機中使用Google Apps? 在Instagram上關注我們►https://www.instagram.com/hardreset.info在Facebook上關注我們►https://www.facebook.com/hardresetinfo/在Twitter上鳴叫我們►https://twitter.com/HardResetI

  1. Just did it and it works perfect . I have an Huawei P40 . love the phone , but i hated how it didn't have google play store.. Maps, youtube ,voice ,google etc…,worked but not the same way as play store . couldn't get important Apps too. Thanks to this method i can have the best of both worlds . Cheers Man

  2. I've got a hauwei p30 and it's running android 9 I still have Google play store and all Google apps.
    How am I seeing people with p20s saying they have no Google apps??

  3. Can i still install it even im already using my phone for 2 months now? Will the data and files will be deleted once i do this? Pls help… Thank you.

  4. I succeeded oh thanthank u very much after watching more the 50 different videos, but I need help oh , I am in China and we must vpn to access this apps, but none of the vpn I downloaded is going.

  5. This is dumb… You're supposed to keep the VM started in the background and use that instead for the Google services? Stupidest idea ever

  6. I tried after 5 other methods i found on the internet and this 1 seemed to work so far i can use google app and recover my apps however I havent try to clone my old phone to this one so not if it will affect the newly set up P40 Pro phone. will update later on when i got time to clone my old phone
    Thanks for your help

  7. What is this a vm? OK you just said it Is, any issue is the vm is contained and separate, you essentially will have to manage two phones, will work though obviously, since phone is blocked not the vm, reduced performance too? While in the vm

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