PLAYSTATION 5(PS5)-開發人員關閉了PS5的故事! PS5提前發布或延遲…

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  1. A 500$ dollar console that can't handle ratchet and clank at 4k60, has no RDNA 2, can't play ps4 games with dualsense, absolutely zero backwards compatibility with previous consoles… Yeah play truly has no limits lol

  2. Both of the upcoming consoles are incredibly powerful, especially compared to the outgoing systems this past generation.

    Playstation and Xbox took two very different philosophies to achieve similar ends. This power narrative nonsense needs to stop.

    I personally am a fan of Playstation's heavily custom approach due to design choices being based on the needs of developers and streamlining game development along with a heavy focus on audio which often isn't as high a priority as it should be IMO.

  3. In Console history, the most powerful console is not the best selling one, it need to support exclusive games, some examples are PS2 and the original Xbox, The Wii, 360 and PS3.

  4. Power doesn't always mean loss. Super Nintendo was weak compared to the Sega Genesis. But SNES had better games and sound. Sony has the better games IMHO. And I'm not a one console person. I play on all systems.

  5. Guys I got a question. How come for spiderman Ps5 makes us choose either performance mode or graphics mode? I would've thought being a new powerful console they can give us both. Is this a red flag or am I overthinking?

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