華為P40 Pro和Pro Plus-30天後我的老實意見!

使用華為P40 Pro和Pro Plus 30天-作為YouTube和Instagram的專職創作者,我將通過攝像頭,構建質量/性能,用戶體驗和應用程序情況??注意20 Ultra與華為P40 Pro +視頻比較:https://youtu.be/K0_azzuKbN4產品鏈接➡華為P40 Pro-http://bit.ly/huawei-mw1?P40 Pro +與RX100緊湊型攝像機視頻:https://youtu.be/iJBKSYZG_p8支持像我這樣的創作者,在有我的會員鏈接的當下購物! 🙂 Used用於比較攝像機的裝備/安裝架-https://geni.us/QgvZRu➡我的三腳架-https://geni.us/7zBZ6➡本視頻中使用的Moment VND過濾器-https://geni.us/ qW1cZ訂閱,在推薦中單擊另一個vid,然後關注我的社交! ?Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/themikewat/?我當前的辦公桌設置:https://youtu.be/lnqqrkl7aWc⚡️我最喜歡的FCPX插件-https://bit.ly/MotionVFX-VL-M評論「嗨,邁克!」 如果您看到此內容;)對我的觀眾來說,完全透明:?支持我的工作?華為確實將這些椅子送交審核,但本視頻中所說的一切只是我的觀點,並且我沒有接受華為提供的任何金錢補償。 。 為了保持頻道的可持續性,我使用了Amazon Associates和其他會員鏈接。 這意味著,如果您通過我的鏈接進行購買而無需支付額外費用,我可能會賺取少量傭金。 感謝您的支持,並期待提供有用和有趣的視頻,讓您欣賞?謝謝! ?。

  1. Great video! I'm still on my Mate 10 Pro and tempted to switch. Fun fact, the knuckle knock on the screen to take a screenshot works on my phone as well. Huawei is pretty good with updating their phones for a fair few years.

  2. Hi bro how are you?? I have one question who is best camera smart phone 2020 Huawei p40 pro plus, Samsung S20 ultra, one plus 8T, pixel 5 who is?? Please share your opinion

  3. Most people always say: "Huawei is so bad, it doesnt even has GooglePlayServices". But acutally you dont even need them. I use my MatePad Pro without Google and it works very good. I really dont need it… And everything important can be found as an apk.

    I think Huawei is going to lead the techmarket one day, because its improving day by day. I mean you see it with the US Ban. Huawei has only gone stronger. Imagine if they finally manage it to have their own "android".

  4. Hi Mike ??
    I』m currently using and iPhone but considering to make a switch to P40 Pro + . I was wondering if you had any problems with the quality on social media (like insta stories)? I heard Android may not be as clear as ios in that department. Hope you can share you input on this with me. ???

  5. How come your desk set up has changed rooms ?? Ask what chair is that you are using my back isn』t great and need a good one for long hours of sitting doing digital art ??

  6. It's pretty bonkers that the phones are still using the Google OS, but can't use the play store. Maybe Google should just hardwire the play store into the OS to get around it, instead of keeping the services separate.
    The US government are such petty assholes..

  7. I do own huawei P30 Pro with Google and then cloned few apps to new Huawei P40 Pro (HSM).
    Your old Huawei smartphone is no google?

    I have no time to do clone my Canada Mobile Banking apps.
    Have you try clone your canada mobile banking apps before?

  8. I know Huawei will definitely keep moving forward admist their challenges, that's why I love them, first phone to have 10x optical zoom , 2090 before samsung and iPhone implement such ???

  9. mike i'm searching a new phone, so inlove with huawei's leica tech in the camera lens. but when they didnt support GMS i dont know what to buy cuz as a mother we rely on google meet & google classroom here in malaysia for kids education. from ur opinion, which one do u think is better to buy a note 20 or p40/p40 pro? as my experience using huawei p9 since 2017, it was a very tough phone.

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