
免費將Internet速度提高20%,►►►訂閱更多:https://www.youtube.com/user/Britec09?sub_confirmation=1 Windows操作系統將為總Internet帶寬保留80%的固定百分比, QoS,即:服務質量。 它將用於Windows Update,程序更新等。您可以收回20%的帶寬並獲得100%的帶寬,但這可能會導致Windows Update出現一些問題,因此在進行更改時請記住這一點。 Windows 10 Pro及更高版本使用GPEDIT計算機配置-管理-網路-Qos Packet Scheduler選擇啟用的輸入0%Windows 10家庭和以前的操作系統打開註冊表HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft Windows Psched給它提供值數據0 ——— ————我的社交鏈接:?查看我的頻道-http://youtube.com/Britec09?查看我的播放列表-https://www.youtube.com/user/Britec09/playlists on在Twitter上關注-http:/ /twitter.com/Britec09?在Facebook上關註:http://facebook.com/BritecComputers?查看我的網站:http://BritecComputers.co.uk?我的官方電子郵件地址:[email protected]?我的不和諧: https://discord.gg/YAuGm5j✅Britec商品https://teespring.com/zh-CN/stores/britec-store #Windows 10 #BoostInternetSpeed #SpeedUp #Bandwidth。

  1. Hi about the video of 2018 – How to clear the cache on windows 10

    After the last update i have 55 GB of Previous Windows Installations.

    When i try to delete it i have the message saying:

    "If you clean up the previous Windows Installations or temporary installation files , you will no longer be able to restore the machine back to the previous version or Windows.

    Are you sure that you want to do this?"

  2. I tried this mod in the group policy but had issues with my machine. Windows 10 with the latest update. What happened, although the browser speed picked up a bit, it affected certain elements on my desktop. When I clicked on the date/clock icon in the right hand corner it would not open up. Also, when clicking on start nothing happened or on the search button on the taskbar. In the end had to open task manager to log off and back on again. I went straight into gpedit and restored the network back to unconfigured and everything then returned to normal.

  3. The correct term to use here is "Optimise", not "Speed up". It's like saying adding more RAM to your computer speeds it up. It doesn't, it just minimises the risk of it slowing down due to virtual memory usage, hard disk thrashing etc. Many factors determine the speed of your broadband including the amount of bandwidth given to you by your ISP, the area you live in, the general setup of your home, your broadband type (Coax or Fibre) etc. Only by adjusting these variables can you truly affect your internet speed. In a nutshell, there's a difference between speeding something up and optimising it. Learn it and accept it.

  4. closest server is faster speed is.and is windows updating "allways" so it effect your speed.when you have it 0 will it stop update lol xD or it will update allways between browsing and notepad lol lol after you searh google updates go 0. i not bite that lol
    i did not see any diff than without change my free internet is faster than spacex startlink lol

  5. Misleading title to be fair Brian. You can't squeeze blood from a stone. Utilisation is increased but not beyond your bandwidth provided by your ISP. This is a key point.

    I know people who would read the title and think they could get 120 Mbps out of a 100 Mbps connection.

  6. Hi I hope you or anyone can help me with my pc, I've tried searching on google and youtube for my problem but it seems like I am the only one who encountered this. While I was playing the monitor suddenly turns black then I unplugged the hdmi cord from my monitor and plugged it back and now my pc freezes, I had to press the power switch to turn it off then as I was turning it back on, the display was black (vga led debug on) but I can hear windows and even hear the prompt when I was pressing ctrl shift esc, (this happened before and I just reseated the ram) then I reseated my ram again and presses the power switch but the debug led is now on boot without post.
    My pc works now but this may happen again in the future that's why I'm asking for help if anyone knows how to solve this.
    My specs:
    Ryzen 5 3600
    B450 toma max
    1050 ti
    Hyper x 16gb
    Kingston nvme ssd 256gb
    1tb seagate barracuda
    Rog 550w gold
    Thank you!

  7. Will give it a go sometime.
    Just an FYI to people in the UK, (mabe else where to idk for sure) recently I upgraded my phone socket to a new style one (can't remember the name) but whilst reading the distructions noticed they didn't mention the colours of the wires coming into my junction box, so did some digging around and discovered not only was my wireing realy old, but if the green, (Ithink) wire (the old fashion bell ringing wire (you don't need them anymore) was attached it messes with your internet speed, basicaly you only need two wires on modern boxes, mine had six or eight, once I got it all sorted y internet was way faster. So if you have not had BT install a new box in a very long while, maybe worth getting it checked, or DIY like I did, it's not hard.

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