PS5 DualSense控制器拆卸-可維修性角度

我拆除了PS5 DualSense控制器。 我仔細研究了自適應觸發器以及觸覺系統。 我還將它與Dualshock 4進行了比較。在這裡成為Patreon的支持者(非常感謝!):如何修復模擬搖桿漂移:讓我們我教您MicroSolder:►我使用的工具和零件(收費鏈接): tronicsfix►TronicsFix遊戲機維修論壇:喜歡音樂嗎? 我使用流行病聲音(付費鏈接):訂閱: ———– ————————————————– ———————————————- Instagram https:/ / Facebook Twitter網站 — ————————————————– ————————————————–我使用的工具:-Protech工具包:Amazon(付費鏈接) -Torx Security T8:Amazon(付費鏈接) -PH00 Phillips:Amazon(付費鏈接)鑷子套裝:亞馬遜(付費鏈接)電動螺絲刀:亞馬遜(付費鏈接)導熱膏:亞馬遜(付費鏈接)罐頭航空:亞馬遜(付費鏈接)使用的設備:-Hakko Hot A ir站:亞馬遜(收費鏈接)熱風站的噴嘴:亞馬遜(收費鏈接)哈科焊台:亞馬遜(收費鏈接)https: // -Hakko空氣濾清器:亞馬遜(付費鏈接)顯微鏡:亞馬遜(付費鏈接)凱斯特(Kester)焊接:亞馬遜(付費鏈接)→業務查詢電子郵件:[email protected] TronicsFix對由於此視頻中包含的任何信息而造成的財產損失或傷害不承擔任何責任。 該YouTube頻道內提供的所有資料僅用於提供信息,教育和娛樂目的。 其中某些項目,材料和技術可能並不適合所有年齡段或技能水平的人。 該視頻中包含的任何信息均不構成任何明示或暗示的擔保或任何特定結果的保證。 TronicsFix對本頻道所列項目,技術或資源的安全性不做任何主張,並且對您對本頻道提供的信息所做的一切不承擔任何責任。 因不當使用這些工具,設備或此視頻中包含的信息而導致的任何傷害,損害或損失,由用戶而非TronicsFix承擔全部責任。 除非您對結果(無論好壞)承擔個人責任,否則請勿嘗試使用此視頻中包含的任何內容。 (*我們是亞馬遜服務有限責任公司聯合計劃的參與者,該計劃是一項聯屬廣告計劃,旨在通過鏈接到Amazon.com和聯屬站點為我們提供一種賺取費用的方法。上面的帖子是「會員鏈接」。 這意味著,如果您單擊鏈接併購買商品,我將收到會員傭金。 無論如何,我只推薦我個人使用的產品或服務,並相信會為我的讀者增加價值。 我是根據聯邦貿易委員會的16 CFR第255部分:「有關在廣告中使用背書和證明書的指南」披露此信息的。 本視頻中使用的音樂不需要署名。 。

  1. Does it look like DualSense and DualShock 4 analog sticks are interchangeable? In other words could DualSense sticks be installed in a DS4 and vice versa?

  2. Easier then DS4 WHEN open you might rip charge light cable and parts can fly out like springs etc. But I bought broken official PS4 charge base that charges at bottom ext. Port next to ? jack. Charges faster. So I removed wire with plug heat shrinked it and boom works fine.

  3. OK awesome easy too fix since I've been fixing systems since PS1 yes I can fix Nintendo, and all systems, even do raspberry Pi and put raspberry pi in a Wii U game pad. PC's and laptops, ? and tablets but you pay for parts, original parts. The hardest part is replacing USB since you obviously can't used a soldering iron. Next is replacing potentiometers they are soldered with lead based soldering.

  4. Interesting video but what do you mean by repairability? I have owned PlayStation's since 1996 and never repaired anything. Are you getting out and about much?

  5. So disappointing that they did not do any upgrades to the "Analog Sticks" Drift & Drag is a huge problem with the controllers ..considering the abuse they take something should have been updated there..makes me just wanna buy a 'Astro" controller with a warrantee

  6. Thank you for this! Day three of owning the thing and the 6 year old nephew got chocolate syrup in the square and right keys. This video helped me act quick enough to stop catastrophe! Didn't desolder the motors, was enough play on the mainboard to move it out of the way to get the two TouchPad screws out. I'm really impressed with how easy Sony made this controller to disassemble!

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