芝加哥的審判7 | 官方預告片| Netflix電影

1968年,在全世界關注的情況下,民主拒絕退縮。 現在觀看#TrialoftheChicago7的官方預告片。 由奧斯卡金像獎得主亞倫·索金(Aaron Sorkin)撰寫和導演。 劇情簡介:原本打算在1968年民主國民大會上進行和平抗議的活動變成了與警察和國民警衛隊的暴力衝突。 抗議活動的組織者,包括阿比·霍夫曼,傑里·魯賓,湯姆·海登和鮑比·希爾,被控串謀煽動暴動,隨後的審判是歷史上最臭名昭著的審判之一。 觀看《芝加哥審判7》:https://Netflix.com/TheTrialoftheChicago7訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的流媒體娛樂服務,在190多個國家/地區擁有1.93億個付費會員系列,紀錄片和故事片,涵蓋多種流派和語言。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 芝加哥的審判7 | 官方預告片| Netflix電影https://youtube.com/Netflix。

  1. "There was this man, given a little talk, and for some reason, he was wearin an american flag for a shirt, and he liked to say the F-word, a lot, F this and F that, and every time he said the F-word, people for some reason, well, they'd cheer"

    -Forest Gump on Abbie Hoffman

  2. Netflix will pick up everything buried under the hubris of propaganda and reveal it for what it is. You can then make a judgement. Netflix – TAKE MY MONEY!
    Love from India

  3. Inspiring movie not just for young people in America but in the world. It』s great that this kind of story is on Netflix which is dominated mostly by youth.

  4. Worst movie so far. Who needs a narrator telling you when they sit or when they move a finger? Someone decided to put together a movie while watching Meet the Spartans.

  5. I had to take breaks during the movie due to an increase in my blood pressure. This movie was impeccable. The acting, the subtle jokes and the storyline itself. Wow.

  6. Bogus -controlled opposition- op then – –
    —————————————- – – INTEL run incendiary – FAIL ! – – in 2020.

    Meanwhile – as Rockefeller USURY –wraps up- its seven decades transfer treason to Rockefeller -RED- China – –uh ? ? ?
    about that -still- missing from picture – –
    ————————————————- – – still- — Rockefeller –RED China – -treason pivotal – –
    ———————————————————————————————————————— – – and -still– unfolding – – – "Korean' War – – -? ? ?

  7. It's weird yet great to see Sacha Baron Cohen in a serious role like this one. I hope he'll win an oscar, if not for this movie than maybe someday in a different one

  8. Bye bye booby seale.. but federal crime law violators titular heads just gained the white house lol we gonna need another counter revolution in Amerika

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