Ori和為Xbox系列X | S預告片優化的小精靈的意志

在廣闊,異國情調的世界中踏上征途,為Xbox Series X和Xbox Series S進行全面優化。在屢獲殊榮的Ori和Blind Forest的必玩續集中,Ori並不陌生,但後果不堪設想。而不是英勇地讓一家人團聚,治癒一塊破碎的土地並發現Ori的真實命運。 立即獲取:https://www.xbox.com/games/ori-will-of-the-wisps。

  1. Art, animation system, IK, gameplay, etc, one of the best Metroidvania out there in recent history, plus, it's a XPA game, meaning, I get to continue playing during flights on my Alienware, Surface or https://youtu.be/PuuRdKzJb7U, my temp Xbox Handheld solution.
    Looking forwards to Alienware UFO and Aya Neo.

  2. We pay for the internet, we buy the consoles, we buy the gamepass and expensive games and even so we have to pay to play with our friends, like this comment so that Xbox knows that you cannot charge something that should be free for users.

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