PS5上的Fortnite | 您需要查看的20個下一代更新(也是Xbox Series X)

因此,下一代遊戲機終於來了! Xbox系列X和我個人的PS5。 因此,我決定將PS4的體驗與新的和改進的PS5進行比較,以了解在這幾代遊戲機之間發生了什麼變化。 我得說,我印象深刻! 我將分解我在PS5上注意到的所有內容,但請記住,它們也在Xbox系列X上。 #codeADAMARU #epicpartner #FortniteSecrets亞當的Twitter- Discord鏈接-視頻中的名稱…很簡單! 在商店購買商品時,請使用代碼ADAMARU。 拍張照片,然後在Twitter @adamgrenade上給我DM(如果是舊物品,請拍視頻,因為人們對商店裡的東西撒謊,對不起)。

  1. Been playing on ps5 for a few days now and yeah man it』s deff noticeable upgrade, the volumetric clouds and stuff the night sky every deff looks just better overall it makes me want to actually play again lol

  2. This is just comparing ps4 Fortnite to ps5 Fortnite but are we just going to ignore that even the ps5 fortnite graphics have been topped by so many other games in the ps4 and even free?

  3. Fortnite: people playing 27.890million people playing. Among us: 30.984 million people playing. First I thought fortnite would have been better if they did not take of fortnite on phone

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