
#WelcomeToTheBlumhouse #BlackBoxMovie,由小伊曼紐爾·奧塞·庫福(Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour)執導,並由小奧塞·庫福(Osei-Kuffour)和斯蒂芬·赫爾曼(Stephen Herman)執導,黑匣子明星Mamoudou Athie(《侏羅紀世界3》,The Circle),Phylicia Rashad(C​​reed),阿曼達(Amanda)克里斯汀(殖民地),托辛·莫羅洪福拉(《志》,第24版),查瑪琳·賓瓦(和平之樹,小西斯塔)和特洛伊·詹姆斯(《閃現》,《黑暗中的可怕故事》)。 在一次車禍中失去妻子和記憶後,單身父親經歷了痛苦的實驗性治療,這使他質疑自己的真實身份。 由傑森·布魯姆(Jason Blum),傑伊·埃利斯(Jay Ellis),亞倫·伯格曼(Aaron Bergman),麗莎·布魯斯(Lisa Bruce),馬克西·懷斯曼(Marci Wiseman),傑里米·戈德(Jeremy Gold),米奈特·路易(Mynette Louie)和威廉·馬克(William Marks)製作。 關於Prime Video:想立即觀看嗎? 知道了可以立即播放本周的最新電影,昨晚的電視節目,經典的收藏夾以及更多內容,此外,所有視頻都存儲在視頻庫中。 超過150,000部電影和電視劇集,包括數千個Amazon Prime會員,無額外費用。 獲取更多主要視頻:立即流式傳輸:http://bit.ly/WatchMorePrimeVideo Facebook:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoFB Twitter:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoTW Instagram:http://bit.ly/AmazonPrimeVideoIG 。

  1. im going to watch it right now i think, but im going to predict that he is the one who died and that perhaps all of this is happening to him either as he dies or from inside of some coma or digital preservation of his mind/soul.

    Edit: Im halfway through and while i cant say i was wrong, i wasnt entirely right and i definitely wasnt thinking what was just revealed when i wrote that. totally didnt expect this lol.

  2. Didn't expect such a brilliant movie coming out of amazon studios. Finally my amazon prime membership was well paid off!!! Nice work, all the acting, script and everything else. That is great quality content.

  3. Je l'ai vu et franchement ce film est juste trop bien !!!! Si vous ne savez pas quoi regarder lors d'un week-end, prenez le temps de le voir, vous ne serez pas déçus.

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