
在電影院,VOD和Digital HD中播放10月2日主演:Kodi Smit-McPhee,Ryan Kwanten編劇/導演:Seth Larney到2067年,地球已經被氣候變化所破壞,人類被迫依靠人造氧氣生活。 由合成氧氣引起的疾病正在殺死全世界的人口,唯一治癒的希望來自未來的信息:「發送伊桑·懷特」。 地下隧道工人伊桑(Ethan)突然進入一個充滿未知危險的可怕新世界,因為他必須為拯救人類而戰。 。

  1. this is one fucked up movie….

    takes u on some weird mind trip

    but production is cheap

    and movie sound is pathetically louder than dialog.

    movie sucked

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    ê Lorsqu'une pilule qui donne aux utilisateurs cinq minutes de super pouvoirs inattendus arrive dans les rues de

    la Nouvelle-Orléans, un adolescent marchand et un policier local doivent faire équipe avec un ancien soldat pour

    faire tomber le groupe responsable de sa fabrication. √™ Когда таблетка, дающая пользователям пять минут

    неожиданных сверхспособностей, попадает на улицы Нового Орлеана, торговец-подросток и местный полицейский

    должны объединиться с бывшим солдатом, чтобы уничтожить группу, ответственную за ее

  3. im a huge film critic, and ive seen alooot of movies, i love scifi, and at my 36 yrs of age, ive seen cheap scifi, oldies scifi, and ive seen shit. But not as much shit as these profesional critics who have watched this movie and bashed it. This movie is just realism, with emotion, it doesnt cookie cut your expectations and the whole movie is well made, i really enjoyed this movie alot and it has left me with a feeliing of hope.

    The acting is real, not profesional, the main actor is kid like because he never had a chance to grow into a man, the second main actor is filled with guilt, and you can feel the raw acting, instead of the every other 3 min laugh deal that marvel has normalized. I really hope people give this movie a chance.

    It is a well made science fiction time travel movie, it is a must watch, i hope this movie gives some empathy, patience, and some dignity to these people bashing a movie made with love and respect.

    There is no laughter or shame in working in the film industry, even if the movie sucked you can feel the emotion it was made with. Take your time and really watch the movie, it is really good.

  4. This movie is straight up GARBAGE… The plot is trash, the script is dog poop, the acting is comically bad, theres a 20 minute period where the main character is crying through his lines (also, hes physically and mentally the last person you would send to save the world.) I would have stopped watching it but optimistically I kept waiting for it to take a turn for the better (spoiler alert, it doesn't) IF this can help ONE person save two hours of their life then its worth it.

  5. Why does Every Movie Now looks like a Fucking PS4 ?
    Back in the Day, Movie's used to Look Authentic. Raw. IN YOUR FACE
    Aliens. Terminator. Predator. Robocop. Total Recall
    Can We Stop Pretending Now that Green Screen Movies Don't Look Fucking Retarded ?
    This Shit looks more Saturated than The Photoshopped thots from instagram
    What The Fuck

  6. I'll watch it as I'm scifi nut and will take B scifi too. Not saying how this one will be but the theme has been done enough times before. Hope it's a new take on it.

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