馬·雷尼的黑底| 官方預告片| 網飛

1927年,芝加哥。一次錄音。 雄心勃勃的號角演奏家馬·雷尼(Viola Davis)(查德威克·玻色曼)(Chadwick Boseman)與白人管理者之間的關係加劇。白人管理者決定控制傳奇的「藍調之母」。 根據普利策獎獲得者奧古斯特·威爾遜的戲劇。 馬·雷尼(George C. 由Viola Davis,Chadwick Boseman,Colman Domingo,Michael Potts,Glynn Turman,Dusan Brown和Taylour Paige主演。 即將於12月18日登陸Netflix。12月18日在部分劇院和Netflix上觀看馬·雷尼的《黑底》:https://www.netflix.com/title/81100780訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是世界領先的流媒體娛樂服務,在190多個國家/地區擁有1.93億付費會員,他們可以收看各種類型和語言的電視連續劇,紀錄片和故事片。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 馬·雷尼的黑底| 官方預告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix當緊張的藍調母親和她的樂隊於1927年聚集在芝加哥一家錄音棚時,Netflix的緊張情緒隨之上升。改編自August Wilson的劇本。 。

  1. Dear God, thank you for the force in this world you named Viola Davis! Just saying this woman』s name makes my heart full! This is going to be my new favorite movie. Oscars! Grammies! It』s coming!

  2. This is going to be heartbreaking to watch, to be reminded the talent we lost in Chadwick Boseman. I would never have recognized Viola Davis — an incredible transformation.

  3. This movie is about a great artist, Ma Rainey. I have all her music on CD. She was a very earthy and "country" blues singer. Just for comparison sake, she recorded from 1923-1929. This is 13 years before Robert Johnson made records (1936-1937). She also recorded with amazing 1920s blues musicians like Blind Blake, Papa Charlie Jackson, Tampa Red. Can't believe a movie about her life is being released in 2020, almost 100 years after her first recordings. I see by the comments that its fame will be based on the actors in the film but I hope watchers will enjoy the music and learn more about black artists in the early music business.

  4. I can't wait to watch this movie.
    R.I.P. to Chadwick Boseman!!! Here's quotes from this legendary actor.
    "I'm an artist. Artists don't need permission to work. Regardless of whether I'm acting or not, I write. I write when I'm tired in fact, because I believe your most pure thoughts surface".- Chadwick Boseman

    "We live in a world where people can ridicule you at the push of the button. They can question you at the push of a button-"Chadwick Boseman

  5. Viola Davis….clearly one of the best actor's on the planet today!! Clearly!!.. As for Chadwick Boseman? I have strong Faith…but a loss of such talent and personality to this planet leaves me with just far to many questions on WHY!

  6. All the film critics (recently went to a screening) are going crazy about Chadwick Boseman's performance on social media and in articles. They are saying that he delivers a very "Sidney Poitier-esque" level of acting, highly epic & legendary and he could actually WIN a posthumous Oscar; the best performance of his career. I'm very excited. However, they're also saying that Chadwick outshines Viola in her own film and she's only in the film about 30% of the time (while Chadwick is 70%), which is very unusual for a titular character in any film. They also are saying that Viola did amazing (on a supporting acting level — cool but that sucks for her [she deserves better] smh) but that "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom" is truly a "Chadwick Boseman picture". VERY INTERESTING! Can't wait to see my two faves this December.

  7. I loved Chadwick Boseman. He was a literal idol to me and I loved his acting in Black Panther. This is more emotional for me because this movie is going to be released on my birthday, I'm not even kidding. Rest in peace and power Chadwick.

  8. This is Oscar material, it will hurt to see it win without Chadwick being there to share in the glory. What a trailer… What a cast. I pray I can watch this without falling apart

  9. Who would've thought. I start college and one of my classes is on jazz appreciation. We learn about Ma Rainey and a few months later, I decide to do a project on Ma Rainey. And out of the blue (get it lol) there's a trailer for a movie of her. Who would've thought

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