滿月| 官方預告片#1 | Netflix / Pearl Studio製作

充滿決心和對科學的熱情,一個聰明的年輕女孩建造了一艘登月船,證明了傳說中的月亮女神的存在。 由奧斯卡獲獎製片人和動畫師Glen Keane導演,由Gennie Rim和Peilin Chou製作。 由Cathy Ang,Phillipa Soo,Robert G.Chiu,Je Jeong,John Cho,Ruthie Ann Miles,Margaret Cho,Kimiko Glenn,Artt Butler和Sandra Oh主演。 於今年秋天在Netflix上觀看「越過月亮」:https://www.netflix.com/OvertheMoon訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的流媒體娛樂服務,擁有超過1.83億付費會員190個國家/地區收看各種類型和語言的電視連續劇,紀錄片和故事片。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 滿月| 官方預告片#1 | Netflix / Pearl Studio生產的https://youtube.com/Netflix。

  1. This was a really fantastic film. I dont want to compare it with anything – this is something to treasure – the art, story, narration, soundtrack – everything is perfect. I didnt expect much but it really gave me a full blow of goosebumps given it seems to me disney is already running out of stories looking towards their recent releases. I am ready to expect more though.

  2. Was like , girl does enough science to launch rocket ….but cannot comprehend moon not having an atmosphere to sustain life , then saw the rabbit …..ahh fantasy movie ….guess it works that way

  3. i'm a grown ass man, but i cried when i realized her mom died. that was unexpected (the mom's death), and , too, my crying was unexpected. it wasn't a violent and loud cry, just tears, and a feeling of grief. real grief, as if i'm going through a loss myself. i don't remember ever crying during a movie, during a children's movie, or even an adult movie, except maybe when i was very young. i guess the helplessness and powerless overcame me. they are gone and you can never get them back; never will you ever talk to them again; they are gone and gone forever. You will never be able to argue and fight with them again, never be able to say say sorry and admit your mistakes, never be able to take them for granted, and be irritated and annoyed by them, to be impatient with them. for a brief few minutes the line between fiction and reality blurred, and i felt it, and it was real.

  4. I loved this movie so much I just recently lost someone and I have been holding in allot of emotions but when i watched this I cried Nd I kept crying this movie has a deeper mean than most think???‍♀️

  5. this movie is so sick, but i didn』t expect the last scene, it was so sad… but then again it was a nice moviee, goood job to the writer and director :)))

  6. It's so wierd that in a movie like Frozen, that is based in northern scandinavia with ofc almost all white people, the movie ofc contains mostly only white people. American-black people starts to complain that there are no blacks in the movie. But when there is a movie with other races like this one, that is for example based in Asia so the movie ofc almost only contains Asians, it'S totally fine, and no complaining. And everybody is like" ahh, that makes sense, no problem."

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