刺客信條瓦爾哈拉PS5 VS Xbox Series X-載入時間比較(AC Valhalla PS5)

刺客信條瓦爾哈拉PS5與刺客信條瓦爾哈拉Xbox Series X(AC瓦爾哈拉PS5 VS Xbox Series X-xbox series x vs ps5)喜歡視頻嗎? 立即訂閱:http://bit.ly/1S7oa8K支持我並獲得特殊特權! http://bit.ly/2NGslwd收聽AC Valhalla播客:Apple播客:https://cutt.ly/1gjszU1-Spotify:https://cutt.ly/FgjsxQj-Soundcloud下載:https:// cutt。 ly / 5gjsxMf ———————————————– ——————————–在社交媒體上關注我:https://www.twitch.tv/jorraptor https ://twitter.com/jorraptor/ https://instagram.com/jorraptor/有關刺客信條瓦爾哈拉(AC Valhalla)的更多內容:刺客信條瓦爾哈拉想要收集的最佳武器(AC Valhalla最好武器):https:// youtu.be/CqdlPJ9XlB0刺客信條瓦爾哈拉的技巧和竅門-賺錢的最佳方法(AC瓦爾哈拉技巧和竅門):https://youtu.be/78VNCJgC3C4刺客信條瓦爾哈拉所需的最佳裝甲和能力(AC瓦爾哈拉的最佳裝甲):https://youtu.be/fzwBYuiK20U刺客信條瓦爾哈拉·喬爾尼爾與雷神的盔甲-提示和獲取方法(AC Valhalla Mjolnir):https://youtu.be/w9XyJaBqDbk刺客信條·瓦爾哈拉你需要獲得的最佳武器( AC瓦爾哈爾最佳武器):https://youtu.be/sJe1mir5YPI刺客教條Valhalla PS5 VS Xbox Series X-載入時間比較(AC Valhalla PS5):https://youtu.be/b1W8LGwPRhs刺客教條Valhalla Excalibur技巧和竅門以及操作方法獲得它(AC Valhalla Excalibur):https://youtu.be/oNiBMXWuZgA刺客信條您需要早日獲得的Valhalla最佳技能(AC Valhalla最佳技能):https://youtu.be/c-g1A2ij-4w刺客信條瓦爾哈拉你早已可以得到的最佳裝甲和武器(AC瓦爾哈拉的隱藏武器):https://youtu.be/cDhCaJQA65o刺客的信條瓦爾哈拉的技巧和竅門-驚人的東西早起(AC瓦爾哈拉的技巧和竅門:https:// youtu .be / zFxZ71kYmv4刺客信條瓦爾哈拉在Xbox Series X上非常出色-控制台評論(AC Valhalla遊戲):https://youtu.be/J1GvnHXIsS0刺客信條瓦爾哈拉遊戲第1部分(Xbox系列X)-前20分鐘(AC Valhalla遊戲性):https://youtu.be/4HDNEsebF5E刺客信條瓦爾哈拉終極版和全新功能(AC Valhalla Ultimat 電子版):https://youtu.be/9jDy72lHx7s刺客信條瓦爾哈拉遊戲-高空突襲,能力技巧及更多(AC瓦爾哈拉遊戲):https://youtu.be/cYCdmy8FqEY刺客信條瓦爾哈拉遊戲-所有武器樣式及使用方法(AC Valhalla遊戲):https://youtu.be/rXtVzJFlr20刺客信條Valhalla遊戲-您選擇的巨大影響(AC Valhalla遊戲):https://youtu.be/DxtcT8Q36Qs刺客信條Valhalla遊戲-漫遊老闆,目標,現代及更多(AC Valhalla):https://youtu.be/xZjX2z70Mns刺客信條Valhalla遊戲-新畫面中遊戲中的所有技能(AC Valhalla遊戲):https://youtu.be/vmxKgkuXOos刺客教條Valhalla遊戲-隱秘的位置和高端裝甲(AC Valhalla):https://youtu.be/ytSPushRP5E刺客教條Valhalla-育碧宣布重大新聞和新功能(AC Valhalla遊戲):https:// youtu.be/W0NZccMhbyY刺客信條:瓦爾哈拉遊戲-到目前為止,所有密碼化選項(AC V alhalla遊戲玩法):https://youtu.be/iGQ2fWLuLv0帶有新演示的刺客信條Valhalla遊戲印象(AC Valhalla遊戲玩法)14小時後:刺客信條Valhalla遊戲玩法隱形與野蠻近戰戰鬥營(AC Valhalla遊戲玩法):https: //youtu.be/CD8Ipjsr6iQ刺客的信條瓦爾哈拉遊戲-與Ragnar Lothbrok的兒子見面(AC Valhalla遊戲):https://youtu.be/lm_pIqlBctg刺客的信條瓦爾哈拉遊戲細節-傳統服裝,神話人物等等:(AC Valhalla) https://youtu.be/HDUiJsenHnE刺客的信條Valhalla遊戲玩法-全新的腳步展示了Asgard&More(AC Valhalla的遊戲玩法):https://youtu.be/68OvyYHHq1s刺客的信條Valhalla遊戲玩法-阿斯加德,暗藏的人局及更多方式(AC Valhalla新聞):https://youtu.be/HW9yIe7vWU0該視頻包括:xbox系列x,ps5 vs xbox系列x,xbox系列x vs ps5,jorraptor,ps5,刺客信條valhalla ps5,刺客信條valhalla,刺客信條瓦爾哈拉ps5 vs xbox series x,瓦爾哈拉ps5,ac valh 阿拉PS5,AC瓦爾哈拉,刺客信條瓦爾哈拉ps5 vs ps4,刺客信條瓦爾哈拉ps5,ps5 vs xbox系列x載入時間,ps5刺客信條遊戲玩法,系列x vs ps5,xbox系列x vs ps5載入時間,xbox vs ps5,遊戲vs xbox series x,ps5 valhalla,ps5載入時間#AssassinsCreedValhalla #ACValhalla #AssassinsCreed。

  1. Doing a video side by side is not really a good comparison.
    All sorts of things can be happening. A side by side screen showing the monitors and button presses at the same time. Series x takes no we』re near that time

  2. But which one loads faster series x or ps5? I don』t wanna know which one skips the screen at the beginning I wanna know which one loads faster ?, and also which has better graphics cause that』s what matters most to me

  3. Make sure you all report this for Misleading as it clearly is. Dude is faking times to increase sales for Sony, while decreasing sales for MS. This could potentially even be consider an illegal act of false advertisement… if this guy is sponsored by Sony/PS in any way.

  4. I got 1 minute 5 seconds from the time I hit A to load the game, to being in my settlement moving around on Series X. Not sure how it took you an extra 21 seconds over that. With how fast this console is, 21 seconds it a lot.

  5. Well this is just plain incorrect, mine took less than a minute to load on the series x, must of doing something wrong there buddy

  6. Pc is faster. Only marginally though. You can edit the intro screens out of the game files really easy. From desktop to in game took 50.29 second using the Corsair MP600 NVMe SSD. However this is really impressive for both of the consoles.

  7. It might have the upper hand on the SSD (Load times) but graphicly the XSX have better visual on any multiplat that you play, but obviously you are not gonna be able to see it here on youtube.

  8. Jor I'm a fan of your channel but you know danm well you left it on continue screen before you actually hit something xbox is faster and you know it down vote for you.

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