刺客信條:瓦爾哈拉PS5與Xbox Series X | S幀頻比較

刺客的信條瓦爾哈拉幀速率比較,比較了PS5與Xbox Series X | S上的幀速率/ fps。 訂閱更多遊戲技術分析:http://bit.ly/VGTechSubscribe測試的版本在PS5上為1.002.000,在Xbox Series X | S上為2.0.2.53。 Xbox Series X | S和Xbox One控制台在過場動畫中結結巴巴,與遊戲的幀頻無關。 PS5和Xbox Series X使用動態解析度,最高本機解析度為3840×2160,最低本機解析度為2432×1368。 兩個控制台很少以3840×2160的原始解析度進行渲染。 在兩個控制台上,原始解析度通常在2432×1368和2880×1620之間。 PS5和Xbox Series X使用本機渲染低於該解析度時的形式,可以使用一種時間重構的方式將解析度提高到3840×2160。 Xbox Series S使用動態解析度,最高原始解析度為2880×1620,最低原始解析度為2048×1152。 在Xbox Series S上,原始解析度像素數接近2560×1440似乎很常見。當以低於該解析度的解析度自然渲染時,Xbox Series S使用一種時間重構的形式將解析度提高到2880×1620。 Xbox Series S似乎在更靠近攝像機的LOD級別之間轉換,可以在6:23看到。 統計:https://bit.ly/2H0LuaU計數的像素幀:https://bit.ly/32XlncP以4K和60fps觀看以獲得最佳體驗。 如果喜歡,請考慮喜歡並分享視頻。 Twitter:https://twitter.com/VGTech_ Facebook:http://bit.ly/2D3JyJk。

  1. PS5 and Xbox Series X use a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being 3840×2160 and the lowest native resolution found being approximately 2432×1368. Both consoles rarely render at a native resolution of 3840×2160. The native resolution is usually between 2432×1368 and 2880×1620 on both consoles. PS5 and Xbox Series X use a form of temporal reconstruction to increase the resolution up to 3840×2160 when rendering natively below this resolution.

    Xbox Series S uses a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being 2880×1620 and the lowest native resolution found being approximately 2048×1152. Native resolution pixel counts near 2560×1440 seem to be common on Xbox Series S. Xbox Series S uses a form of temporal reconstruction to increase the resolution up to 2880×1620 when rendering natively below this resolution.

    The Xbox Series S seems to transition between LOD levels closer to the camera which can be seen at 6:23.

    Xbox Series X|S and the Xbox One consoles have stuttering during cutscenes unrelated to the game's frame rate.

  2. 500$ for that piece of hardware, I am impressed. My new Ryzen CPU cost me alone 550$, next to buy would be a new GPU which will be probably around 800 – 1000$. Maybe its time to join the concole side^^

  3. Series S seemed like a pretty good deal, until people figured out that it's pretty much a XBOX X again, possibly even worse and only digital too.

  4. Where you at xbots??? Nothing to say?? XSX just got destroyed by PS5 despite the teraflop difference. Its not about the muscles, but how you use it. PS5 is a a true beast. xsx is all muscle and no strength. Get wrecked xbots.

  5. I sometimes have less fps on pc with an rtx2080 ti and a ryzen 7 3700x at 1440p. Is that normal ? While my brother plays next to me at 60 fps on 4k (ps5). If someone could explain, i would really apreciate it.

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