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2016年8月,《印第安納波利斯之星》上的一篇文章介紹了美國體操協會保護被指控濫用的教練,這引起了爆炸性的啟示,說美國空軍女隊的醫生拉里·納薩爾(Larry Nassar)虐待運動員已有二十多年了。 這部影片跟隨IndyStar記者報道,他們揭露了廣泛的掩蓋行為,使濫用行為在精英水平的體操中壯成長了二十多年,律師正在與使這些運動員失敗的機構進行鬥爭,最重要的是,勇敢的舉報-拒絕沉默的鼓風機。 僅在Netflix上觀看運動員A:https://www.netflix.com/title/81034185訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的流媒體娛樂服務,擁有超過1.83億付費會員190個國家/地區收看各種類型和語言的電視連續劇,紀錄片和故事片。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 運動員A | 官方預告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix,這部紀錄片重點講述了倖存下來的體操運動員,這些體操運動員倖免於美國體操醫生拉里·納薩爾(Larry Nassar)的虐待,以及揭露了美國空軍(USAG)有毒文化的記者。 。

  1. I watched this documentary and it absolutely amazed me how Brave these girls really were in admitting what happened to them at the hands of this psycho who should have never been around children.

  2. So many people could have protected these girls. And yet they did nothing. It』s revolting to see young girls used and discarded in this manner in the name of money and medals. Every adult that did not come forward and help is complicit and ought to be charged with negligence and abuse. I am beyond horrified and disgusted.

  3. I havent seen this documental yet, but I really hope this show the real face of bela and Marta karoly, they Just cared about their fame and the medals.. They never really cared about the girls and are as guilty as Larry nassar.

  4. Please make more documentaries like this!!! I』m currently watching the Bikram Guru/Predator and the Scientology documentaries and they have been very powerful. ?

  5. Don't rely on Penny and USAG he's disgusting. That's wrong. Every athlete should ha e never being silenced. It's time to silence USAG, MSU, USOC. YOU GO GET THEM LADIES.

  6. The world is unfortunately has sick and disgusting animals like Dr Larry Nassar, what's dumb founding is the cover-up by the powers that be!

  7. This documentary is great. At the heart of gold by Erin Lee carr is also really awesome and tells the story really well. Its free on YouTube. Also, aly raisman just did a podcast on dax shepherds armchair expert and they discuss the abuse as well.

  8. I wasn't sure about watching this at first, because I was kind of getting tired of hearing about the gross things Larry Nassar did. This, however, was different. This focused on how the story got out, the cover up by USAG, and the amazing women who selflessly came forward, not just for themselves, but for past, present, and possible future victims. My faith in humanity was renewed when I saw how many people came together and worked hard at risk of ruining their careers and reputations to do what was right, whatever the cost. I cried almost the whole way through. It isn't for everyone though, because there are some descriptive parts of the abuse details which can be disturbing to some.

  9. MICHIGAN state and its official's, staff and sports administration ARE SICK… enabling a pedophile to operate… DISGUSTING

  10. One of the most sickening and disturbing documentaries on Netflix. The sort of show that leaves a very dark shadow in your mind. Shame on you USA Gymnastics for trying to cover this up and have the story buried.

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