俠盜獵車手5(GTA 5)Xbox Series X遊戲玩法

#GTA5 #XboxSeriesX#下一代Xbox X控制台上的俠盜獵車手5(V)/ GTA V遊戲體驗。 顯示器為BenQ EW3280U 32英寸4K:美國:https://amzn.to/2GNEzla英國:https://amzn.to/35h3wyL加拿大:https://amzn.to/35hDxHr請注意,以上鏈接為會員和支持,然後渠道。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~訂閱:http://www.youtube.com/c/OpenSurprise?sub_confirmation=1 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  1. Erm… Are they updating existing copies or are they going to try to sell us a new one just like they did from the 360 to the Xbox One?

    Honestly, they owe a free next gen update to their players. Selling another copy of this game would be taking the GTA V milking too far, imo.

  2. How much it cost to play on Xbox series x ? I mean, I want to buy my first console, in battle Xbox series x and ps 5, probably I want to take Xbox. But for me, it's super unclear how to play in games, especially in GTA 5 and how much it should cost. (why Xbox ultimate haven't GTA 5)

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