小米米10超vs華為P40 PRO Plus相機比較:最好的兩個

華為P40 Pro Plus確實是一個成熟的機型,因為該品牌在開發高端移動相機方面已有數年的經驗,而Mi10 Ultra是一款十周年紀念機型,將小米最富創意的想法變為現實。 購買Mi 10 Ultra:https://www.giztop.com/xiaomi-mi-10-ultra.html Gizmochina為您帶來來自新興智能手機公司,創新型初創公司,瘋狂的智能家居產品和革命性技術的最佳中國技術。 網站:https://www.gizmochina.com/商店:https://www.giztop.com/ Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/user/GizmoChinaTube Facebook:https://www.facebook.com / gizmochina Twitter:https://twitter.com/gizmochina Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/gizmochina/ Google Play商店上的應用:http://bit.ly/2ZazziD。

  1. Actually, Xiaomi could never be a match to Huawei. And Mi 10 Ultra's 120X zoom is just a marketing step, in reality it's just a pathetic crop from 5X zoom camera

  2. Can you add nova browser to the xiaomi phones? I know it's a Chinese model but I wasn't sure if they had less restrictions. My mate 30 pro won't let me change the browser.

  3. Great video comparison, for anyone mentioning the price difference just use the regular p40 pro which will then only loose with regards to over 10 x *zoom level but is the same everywhere else as the ultra and is half the price.

  4. Xiaomi has always been the best.
    People just don't notice because people don't care about cheap phones . People want over hyped iPhone to use as a CHICK MAGNET , nothing more.

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