傘學院| 官方預告片| 網飛

當鳴則已一鳴驚人。 在Gerard Way和GabrielBá的腦海中,「傘學院」講述了一個超級功能失調的超級英雄家族的故事,他們有八天的時間將其團結起來並拯救世界。 在Netflix上觀看《雨傘學院》:https://www.netflix.com/in/title/80186863訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的互聯網娛樂服務,擁有超過1.3億會員190個國家/地區收看各種類型和語言的電視連續劇,紀錄片和故事片。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 與Netflix在線聯繫:訪問Netflix網站:http://nflx.it/29BcWb5像FACEBOOK上的Netflix Kids:http://bit.ly/NetflixFamily像FACEBOOK上的Netflix:http://bit.ly/29kkAtN在Netflix上關注推特:http://bit.ly/29gswqd在INSTAGRAM上關注Netflix:http://bit.ly/29oO4UP在TUMBLR上關注Netflix:http://bit.ly/29kkemT 官方預告片| Netflix http://youtube.com/netflix與父親去世重逢,異族兄弟姐妹以超凡的力量發現了令人震驚的家庭秘密-以及對人類的迫在眉睫的威脅。 。

  1. Luther's leadership sucks no.5 should have been the leader which he basically was at many points without him everything was destroyed then he came back with the suitcase right at that Luther's bad meating and reeled everyone into saving the world

  2. Völlig losgelöst…. Ich hasse das Lied so sehr. Die englische Version ist noch schlimmer. Das einzige schlechte an der zweiten Staffel. Ansonsten Job gut gemacht. Tolle Serie. Gute Fortsetzung. Freue mich auf mehr.

  3. Looking at the title I thought at first this was about Resident Evil soldiers at the Academy where there's Hunk and Redfield and Ada Wong at their prime. Man I wish they made that cause that would be awesome.

  4. Wow if I had seen this trailer last year before i wouldn't have watched the show. Lol. I was on netflix and they proposed the show and I checked it and then I really like it and I wanted to know if and when the second season was coming out. And then I realized it had been released like a day before. Lol.

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