
樂隊以機器人「脊柱」,「兔子」和「 Zer0」製作的動畫動畫片! 他們將在「冰淇淋社交」中扮演什麼樣的瘋狂惡作劇? 所有的藝術和動畫都是由加比·岡薩雷斯(Gabi Gonzalez)完成的,這些年來,他為樂隊做出了許多貢獻! 在社交媒體上查看她的更多藝術作品,假肢作品和生物作品! David Michael Bennett的《脊椎之聲》 Zer0的Bryan Barbarin的《冰淇淋之聲》 Camille Penyak,Chelsea Penyak和David Michael Bennett的冰淇淋之聲感謝您的觀看! 考慮在我們的Patreon上檢查並支持樂隊! https://www.patreon.com/steampoweredgiraffe。

  1. So the ice cream don't talk with others around. Which would make it an ice cream anti-social.
    Granted they should also be placed 6 feet apart to practice proper ice cream social distancing.

  2. When you』re able to tell clockwork vaudeville by just the hammer on the spine does at the very beginning that』s when you know you』ve heard this too much

  3. THANKS SPG for helping me get through this extremely hard year. How did you discover this unique group? I wish I could say it was a Maker's Fair or something like that but it was a a Top Ten List on YouTube.

  4. este año se me fue como el ojo del helado chiquito de vainilla
    This year it was like the eye of the little vanilla ice cream

    :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C :C

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