在印地車上買票? | 甜甜圈發獃002

我們在辦公室外的街道上停放了一輛1977年的伊夫·克涅維爾印地汽車,以了解獲得罰單需要多長時間。 這就是「甜甜圈發獃」的幕後花絮。 如果您尚未看過原始視頻,請查看:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYGKoJwUF0g查看更多Donut Media視頻:https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?list=PLFl907chpCa7c7xUVrvc6iXv- kWfvIdHU我們即將推出一些最好的視頻,敬請期待,您將不會錯過任何事情! ►在此處訂閱:http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO在Facebook上贊我們:https://www.facebook.com/donutmedia/如果您想了解有關Donut Media的更多信息,請單擊此處:http://www.donut。媒體/ Donut Media是下一代汽車和賽車運動愛好者的數字媒體中心。 我們是喜歡講故事的駕駛員,流浪者和汽車愛好者。 。

  1. stupid asses wasting everybody's time. What a pointless idiotic prank. Too bad the city didn't show up with a wrecker and haul off it – as the idiots were hollering and screaming " it was just a prank!"

  2. In New Orleans parking garage at Tulane hospital if your not in the yellow lines they will give you a warning the first time but the second time they'll put a boot your car.. I had backed in a spot and the passenger back time was a tiny bit over when I came out I had a note on my windshield I havent been back since

  3. I see the name Jacob Agajanian. Are you related to the late West Coast famous JC Agajanian? JC was a very special man to me. I Was a young street racer that built a C altered coupe for racing on the drag strip just outside of Fresno. JC took me and my best bud under his wing way back in the sixties. If you are related to him, you are a very fortunate man.

  4. Should have told her the number on the side of the car is the licence plate number registered to the State and let her send in a ticket with just that.

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