解決方案:華為P40 Pro Google安裝-使用Aurora OSS商店FIX LZPLAY登錄錯誤修復

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  1. Hi! Are all push notifications working? Do we need a factory reset before we proceed with this method? After the restore will we lose the already installed apps? Thank you.

  2. Hi bro! Thank you for your work, but please, could you tell me please, if I deleted back up, but that file that I download with back up don't want to install, there is information with system error, and you have to install official version. What to do in this sutuation?

  3. Amazing to see you taking all the efforts in the last 24 hours to look for a solution. Thank you. Maybe you can also make a video of Micro G + Aurora store.

  4. Bis minute 2:50 hat alles geklappt,dann öffnest du aber den playstore drückst auf anmelden dann gibt es einen cut und aufeinmal ist bei der der Google account manager bei dir weg. Hast du dich da an melden können ? Bei mir klappt es nicht.

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