所有靴子升級說明(附魔)| 狂想曲英雄聯盟手機內測版

關於《英雄聯盟》狂野裂痕的靴子,升級和結界功能的快速指南! 如果您覺得該視頻很有用,或者至少對xD具有娛樂性,請在我上傳下一個視頻時分享並訂閱更新! :D和平! ♠在Facebook,Instagram和Twitter上關注我! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2q95HIgNCs7iEdQuJT78gg/join非常感謝捐贈! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=K7Y76MJHRN5YC檢查商品! https://shopee.ph/product/756932/3122266226?v=972&smtt=0.0.5 #lolwildrift #shinmentakezo。

  1. I discover your channel because of your tutorial on how to play hayabusa and I'm dying on laughter then get me sub. Now I'm glad your also making these kinds of vids about wr it's very helpful. I wish you alsa make those funny toturials on every champs in wr haha

  2. This is useful, thank you. I'm a Dota player and played ML and now wild rift and I'm lazy to try it one by one so thanks to this video

  3. 1:30 ah yes remember the simple days of league right after ap Yi was removed from the face of runterra just go full crit and right click (I was silver 1 that season so I have no mechanics whatsoever) the hell out of everyone then proceed to burn your lp

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