iPhone 12(每日使用一個月後的最大問題和最佳功能)

新的iPhone 12一個月前問世,通過將其用作日常電話,我學到了很多東西。 這就是我發現的。 為自己獲取iPhone 12(最新售價):https://mikeobrienmedia.com/iphone-12在社交媒體上關注我! (總是@mikeobrienn)Instagram:https://instagram.com/mikeobrienn Twitter:https://twitter.com/mikeobrienn我在視頻中展示的酷炫的iPhone 12手機外殼:https://amzn.to/3lGlz7h這個保護套有一個可機械移動的錢包,外部有一個磁性支架,因此您可以輕鬆地將手機安裝在支架或汽車上! 2個免費的音頻書:https://amzn.to/2T72vA7使用NORD VPN保護自己(75%折扣):http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-8972143-13609939其他評論注意:物理60Hz很難看在如此漂亮的大屏幕上出色的觸覺! 非常結實而清晰大缺口是一個眼睛痛:(沒有指紋感測器(口罩),TrueTone顯示屏是一個很棒的功能!最後,解析度升級到FHD + 15W磁安全充電,但與所有其他Qi充電器一起充電7.5W,電池基本與去年,儘管顯示效果更好,並且物理電池更小,但我更喜歡非PRO型號,它更適合側面指紋,但該專業型號看起來更好。MAGSAFE RANT:有線無線充電情況自對準是最初的觀察結果,並假定有收益……但是,然後消除了大多數無線充電的好處基本上是有線充電修復了常見的抱怨,即您在充電時無法握住手機需要幾乎與有線充電一樣的精力無法像我喜歡的那樣將手機放下並拿起普通的無線充電器(在我的書桌,床架等上)放置方便右側沒有電線可能更適合在使用埠準備時觀看媒體未來iPhone的數量會減少在大多數情況下都需要付費為什麼您想要可移動的錢包? 我以為手機上裝有錢包的重點是,您再也不必記住將它放在口袋裡了,因為它很小,而且經常進出口袋,所以更容易丟失。內部相機測試視頻質量更好揚聲器測試電池測試結論我應該使用什麼齒輪? 心率感測器:https://mikeobrienmedia.com/Polar-H10(Polar H10是業內最精確的感測器之一,因此可以作為我與smartwatch心率感測器進行比較的一個很好的標準)我的相機:https ://amzn.to/2rxDZ09我的麥克風:https://amzn.to/2Ias66q我的錄音機:https://amzn.to/2rE8amz我的三腳架:https://amzn.to/2IebL0V我的視頻編輯器:https ://amzn.to/2rAdN44請在下面評論您可能遇到的任何問題。 謝謝大家的收看! 我感激你! 透明度:該視頻未獲贊助。 本視頻中介紹的單元是按全額零售價購買的。 電話盒是免費寄給我的。 這不會影響我對此設備的評論。 我對該設備進行了徹底的測試,並回顧了其優缺點。 如下所述,本說明中的許多特色產品均來自我們的合作夥伴。 這不會影響我們的內容。 有關更多信息,請繼續閱讀下面的內容。 免責聲明:本視頻純粹基於我的經驗,研究和觀點。 您和您自己對您的行為負責。 我通過這個頻道向觀眾提供建議,我真的希望能為大家提供幫助。 我喜歡製作這些視頻並與觀眾建立聯繫! 該頻道通過YouTube廣告以及一些會員鏈接獲利。 如果您在點擊鏈接後進行購買,則我將獲得少量傭金,買方無需額外付費。 謝謝大家的收看!

  1. Loved the video ? I filmed an UNBOXING VIDEO on my Channel of my New Iphone 12 pro max ?? it is really stunning and I』ve loved using it so far!!??

  2. I have been using iPhone12 for past two weeks now and one major irritating thing in this is that whenever I try to increase the volume, i almost always accidentally end up taking a screenshot as the power button, being very large, gets pressed accidentally. Does this happen with everyone or just me? ?

    PS: I have upgraded from iphone 7

  3. Mike: "I think buying this phone is an excellent option for a lot of people out there so I wish I could have found more negative things to point out."
    A lot of people: "NO CHARGER IN THE BOX!" (-_-)

  4. Don』t use the MagSafe over the USB C to lightning. 15W doesn』t mean anything wirelessly, the USB C is considerably faster especially with a 20W wall brick

  5. I think the concept of magsafe is to use Qi wireless charger to wirelessly charge your iphone in any position and in any angles. Because when you plug in a charger you can』t really put it standing from the bottom and when you wirelessly charge, you can』t really use it while charging but with magsafe you kinda have both you wirelessly charge but you can use it in any angles and positions without it taking off because of the magnet. So just wanted to say that lol

  6. Hey Mike, I've been noticing a 10-15% battery drain on my iPhone 12 overnight without any background apps running since Day-1. I was wondering if you're having the same issue? Thanks!!

  7. Just love the iPhone 12 and was ready to switch from Android to ios. But then pricing really disappointed me a lot as compared to other regions.. hope so next time they get it right with the price
    Loved the review. ??

  8. This phone in not worth the upgrade from parity much any phone 60hz sucks the notch is not cool in 2020 and the boxy design of the phone is uncomfortable in your pocket. I would tell anyone looking to get this phone, not to even though it's not all bad. The screen looks nice…that's about it really.

  9. I want to change for the first Time from Android to Apple, but don't know which iPhone I should get? The 11 pro or 12, 12 pro

  10. Oh wow i love your opinion about the magsafe charger. Thank you! You』re right! I realized I don』t need MagSafe charger.

    But wait so MagSafe charger charges faster than the usb C cable?

    How does 15w charge faster than 20w?

  11. That unbalanced round awkward thing I agree glue it that round pain in the a** but use permatex rtv silicone winshield glue its clear rubbery comes apart with a slight pry and the leftover on table use your fingers back and forth it』ll remove like a pancake and not remove paint or wood from table top.

  12. You should be ashamed for letting apple getting away with this bs no call harger and no EarPods bs
    Filling there pockets with a bs excuse of environmental it』s USB c cable

  13. I gotten my IPhone 12 on release date. I』ve experienced about 3 major bugs. A new one happen as recent as last night. The phone kept blacking out like going to sleep in 2-3 seconds instead of my original 2 minutes set. But I restarted the phone and it stopped. It only started doing this while I was in the photos app. And another bug I had was different but had to do with the camera app too. So I wonder if they are connected.

  14. Answer please!
    I have the xs and I wanna buy the 12, all what I care about is the battery life
    Does it worth the upgrading ??!
    (I have 5/6 hours screen on time on my xs)

  15. 5 days after bought, and the last day i have no pockets so i put in my sling bag and… the screen already chipped….fckin depressed man. My fault that i didnt get screen protector earlier but really? 5 days..i throw my s9+ in the same bag for 2 years without any screen protector and its still flawless.

  16. I think the MagSafe charger makes for a great bedside charger. It clips onto your phone with ease in the dark while still allowing you to hold your phone while it』s charging. Apart from that, I can』t think of too many benefits other than car mounts maybe

  17. I got my iPhone 12 on release day and I absolutely love it..I came from the 11..I』ll be honest there aren』t that much different from the 11..BUT the things that do make them different is worth it..well, to me at least..

  18. Thanks for your honest review. Lol I've been saying this since day one that magsafe is not great. Just makes wireless charging wired. Why i don't like it much as it was highlighted as one of the top features which it isn't at all.

  19. in my opinion i don't see any difference between mag safe charging and general cable charging. when charging you pick up cable along with your phone in both case. so use benefits depend on the cable length i guess.
    what would you say is the prime benefit of mag safe charging?? ?

  20. I sold my iPhone 12 and came down to SE 2020 for many reasons. Mainly… touch ID and phone size. I did get the Mini too but the touch ID is so much important these days due to covid. Mini feels too small and uncomfortable in hand. SE is better sized.

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