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今天看起來不錯,米爾德雷德。 見證世界上最具標誌性的人物之一Nurse Ratched的起源。 莎拉·保爾森(Sarah Paulson)出演拉奇(Ratched),9月18日到Netflix訂閱。長片涵蓋各種流派和語言。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 棘輪最終預告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix 1947年,Mildred Ratched開始在一家領先的精神病醫院擔任護士。 但是在她時尚的外表之下卻隱藏著越來越多的黑暗。 。

  1. I will say, it』s not the best show technically. Nonetheless, I really liked it. And I think one thing to remember is that this is a prequel to the movie. Sarah Paulson even said herself, Ratched in this show isn』t the Ratched from the movie because she hasn』t become her yet. People grow and change, so IMO it makes sense that she』s not acting like the Louise Fletchers Ratched because the character in the show hasn』t reached that point in her life yet. It is just my opinion though, so not everyone will agree with me

  2. It kind of reminds me of "Garden Of Shadows" The Prequel to Flowers In The Attic that took place between 1918-1957 and although you don't condone what Olivia Winfield Foxworth (aka The Grandmother did) you can understand why she went all cray cray

  3. It's like another season of AHS, really. And Ryan Murphy, I think many of us have had our fill of Sarah Paulson, no disrespect. A fine actress. But why not cast someone else. She is starting to seem the same in any role she plays for Murphy, really.

  4. If it's good and Netflix doesn't do more I'm cancelling my account.they keep coming up with new tv shows and don't finish them..and have people waiting three years for second season

  5. Hello everyone Ken here from Kenya. I think it was a big mistake to remove Dr Hanover from the scene by killing him. He was such a great character and was looking forward for more from him. Kindly support me for the pain of losing Dr Hanover by subscribing to my channel. Thanks

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