我的章魚老師| 官方預告片| 網飛

一位電影製片人與生活在南非海帶森林中的章魚結成了非同尋常的友誼,在動物分享她的世界奧秘的同時學習。 訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的流媒體娛樂服務,在190多個國家/地區擁有1.93億付費會員,可享受各種流派和語言的電視連續劇,紀錄片和故事片。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 我的章魚老師| 官方預告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix。

  1. I watched this involuntarily. I was crying at the end. I never thought it would be possible to cry over an octopus. I don't think I can eat octopuses any more.

  2. My sister knows I love animals and nature so she recommended this documentary for me to watch. Having watched this trailer I'm heading straight over to Netflix to watch it. They're so intelligent and curious. Such amazing creatures.

  3. Just saw this last night.

    Wow ? ? Beautiful Cinematography, and music. A human bond with nature while exploring a underwater world. Instead of reading about animals we could learn more by observing to gain their trust. Great documentary.

  4. Fairly obvious that this filmaker used the octopus trust and put it in danger deliberately several times in order to make this documentary and money. Especially the shark attacks, He was always there just before each attack, I am convinced he placed the octopus where the sharks were…think about it and rewatch…

  5. This is a wonderful story about a very very special little octopus
    girl. This brought tears to my eyes and made my heart swell with emotion. She is a precious little soul. Thank you for sharing this story with us. She will be remembered in a special way.

  6. I hate people and the world sometimes, and just want to live this mans life, and really connect with an animal. Not everyone gets a chance to live like this

  7. This is so brilliant. I feel very emotional about this story. The filmmaker did an extraordinary job with the narration of the story to really capture connection which was perfectly threaded into the heart of this watcher.

  8. My Octopus Teacher .. I really enjoyed this! ??

    If this man were telling me about any of this over some beers i would be so wowed it would be hard to believe… but it's all here on film. I wonder how much of what he witness was unknown about octopus prior to his film and what he's added. does anyone remember hearing him say how long he was holding his breath at a time? i think it was 15 minutes

  9. Sometimes someone will make fun of me because I save spiders and ants. I hate seeing any creature wounded or dying. This documentary touched on something I feel
    intently – the intelligence in all life forms. I believe all creatures feel and have souls. Maybe different kinds of souls. Like Craig said, "We're all part of this place. Not visitors." I'll watch this film again. First I have to wipe my eyes and catch my breath.

  10. Stunning. It has all the elements of a great nature doc but has more, you feel the relationship as it goes on and you buy in. Astounding piece of work. No BS over the top politics, just stunning nature. Man in that nature and a relationship with a remarkable animal over such a short period of time – as our lives mostly are. Wonderful. I can not recommend this more. The optics alone of the kelp forest are mesmerizing – those pyjama sharks ! and the coast line… kind of a bridge into the world of the octopus from our world… amazing.

  11. OCTOPUS is the most amazing creature of nature.

    With 3 hearts, blue blood and 8 processors in the arms. OCTOPUS IS A COMPUTER LIVING….
    OCTOPUS é a criatura mais incrível da natureza.

    Com 3 corações, sangue azul e 8 processadores nos braços. O OCTOPUS É UM COMPUTADOR VIVO ….

  12. Reminded me about the guy that was in love with bears and went live with them and he got mawled to death by a bear. So beautiful the antropomorphization humans suffer when mentally disbalanced. Everything can be portrayed as something beautiful, everything can be seen as art. I can make a video about the beautiful life of a homeless person or how moskitos are our friends or whatever and people would find it inspirational. At least people with mental and emotional issues. So fascinating…

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