華為P40 Pro Plus:2020年的諾基亞Lumia [Camera Tour]

聽起來很奇怪,但是,和我一起走一秒鐘:了解華為P40 Pro +的關鍵是……回顧七年前的諾基亞手機。 諾基亞Lumia 1020是對拍照手機的革命性重新想像。 在大多數電話攝像頭達到12或16兆像素的時代,它帶來了41兆像素的怪獸感測器,可讓您進行縮放,而不會損失那些較小的攝像頭的質量……並且將整個攝像頭安裝在滾珠軸承床上,光學穩定。 2013年,這真是令人難以置信的東西,尤其是對於649美元的價格(回想起來,是合理的)。 那麼,諾基亞為什麼不逃避市場呢? 好吧,主要是因為它運行了一個稱為Windows Phone的平台。 該平台之所以失敗,主要是因為它沒有人們想要的應用程序。 在過去的幾年中,華為通過從諾基亞招募一些成像先驅者,與著名的攝影品牌徠卡(Leica)合作,並運用良好的老式研發來生產智能手機,從而躋身諾基亞在智能手機攝影領域的老位置。令人驚嘆的手機攝像頭。 華為P40 Pro Plus是該傳統的最新發展-因此,我在從布魯克林到賞金的公路旅行中……並一路走來,這一系列相機吸引了我的心。 但是,除非您是像我這樣的精通電話的極客,否則您可能會發現,沒有任何光學成就值得這款手機進行妥協。 要了解原因,請加入我的行列,對MrMobile的Huawei P40 Pro Plus相機進行評測!


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSOp …


MrMobile的華為P40 Pro + / P40 Pro Plus攝像頭巡視視頻是在五天後使用華為提供的Huawei P40 Pro Plus評測樣本製作的。 運行預發布軟體的預生產樣本。 設備在發布前20小時收到了一個軟體更新。 沒有公司為獲得此覆蓋範圍而付費或以其他方式提供補償,也沒有任何公司在發布之前預覽或批准此內容。


Twelvesouth HiRise無線充電器:http://mrmobile.tech/1Rs Nomad基站,胡桃木版:http://mrmobile.tech/1Rt


華為P40 Pro Plus相機評測 [Android Central]:https://youtu.be/OYddZd8mmbY LEICA鏡頭名稱 [KenRockwell.com]:https://www.kenrockwell.com/leica/lens-names.htm諾基亞Lumia 1020評估 [Pocketnow]:https://pocketnow.com/nokia-lumia-1020-review-the-warthog-of-cameraphones


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  1. Hi bro how are you?? i have one question who is best camera smart phone 2020 Huawei p40 pro plus ,samsung s20 ultra,one plus 8T, pixel 5 who is please share you opinin

  2. This review makes NO SENSE, I understand Lumia 1020 wasn't posible to recommend because it was a totally different OS, but in this case ITS THE SAME OS as any other Android out there all apps can be side loaded, no excuse.

  3. download an app called Ourplay, open google apps through this launcher, then you will find all google apps can work on P40 series properly. youtube, gmail everything.

  4. Tomorrow I will buy a New phone. I bee using a Galaxy Note 5 for 5 years now, working perfectly btw. Thinking between Galaxy Note20 Ultra or S20 Ultra, vs this Huawei phone because it comes with the smartwatch included, I never own a smartwatch I'm excited about it. I don't care to have a hard time getting Google services, just want the best camera and saving some bucks for it.

  5. You didn't talk about performance? Or any other aspect of the phone to begin with, like the display, sensors, charging, and a lot more. It kinda feels like you were pressured to only focus on the really good part of the phone so people look past it's other handicaps and maybe buy it

  6. If you are thinking about buying it but the app situation scares you, don't worry. Almost every app you need can be downloaded through either AppGalery or Petal Search. The only problems I ran into are:

    -Bank apps: I needed to clone mine from another Android phone, but after that it works great, even contactless payments work
    -Google Maps: can't log in, but otherwise works great
    -YouTube: I use YouTube Vanced and it works great
    -Uber: I have to use this one in the browser 🙁

    Other than these 4, every other app I tried works seamlessly on my Mate 30 Pro.

  7. I don't care for the Samsung processing of photos and Huawei with the Leica algorithms and specialized glass do a better job in low light and high contrast situations.

  8. I disagree.

    NOTHING comes even close to the character and personality that the NOKIA Lumia carried 1020 no matter how you put it.

    If you mean the lack of apps and the handicap that comes with it, I might just consider your point but that is fairly easily remedied for most enthusiasts.

    The crisp and precise design no matter how much it dug into your palm was still a bold statement that could actually ask a premium as it actually had the prospect of art and emotion to it that nearly all the modern devices lack yet ask for prices so unjust and cruel that one might not even feel the excitement of getting a new phone simply because the company just charged you so much that your wallet is left useless.

    No modern device so far has moved my emotions as much as the Lumia under the original NOKIA did. I understand why it failed but I also feel that it never got a fair chance, even from the enthusiast group.

    I am still saving up to have the Lumia 930, 1020 and 1520 just for their bold and crisp statement.

  9. Started watching your videos recently. And I've only commented on a youtube video a handful of times, but man! Your work is great. The videos are not just incredibly informative, but they have character. Makes me want to listen to what you have to say. I've already watched most of your stuff. And with me, that's the highest compliment I can pay you. More power to you. 🙂

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