
官方47米向下拖車#2。 主演曼迪·摩爾(Mandy Moore),克萊爾·霍爾特(Claire Holt)和馬修·莫迪(Matthew Modine)。 官方網站:http://47metersdownmovie.com/ Facebook:@ 47米下降Twitter:@ 47MDown Instagram:@ 47MetersDown。

  1. I think it's dumb that they put a shark in the movie because um it's summer and plenty of people are going to go to the beach and this basically scares them from doing that like wtf.

  2. i hate how these directors are trying to make sharks look bad and mean. sharks aren't mean they are just looking for food then they mistakenly take our swimming legs and think we are injured fish. sharks are actually beautiful and really cool animals in my opinion, everyone around thinks sharks do it on purpose.

  3. note to self (and anyone reading this) NEVER base your opinion off of the like to dislike ratio bar on youtube. or the youtube comments. lol im still going to see this

  4. Look's like bad movie.. for about ninety minutes were gonna be seeing two girls underwater? And shark as a protagonist is another bad idea they should have done a Giant Squid…

  5. Couldn't they just swim up by pushing the top of the cage up while still inside? I mean they aren't that far down and a cage like that doesn't seem like it would weigh that much. Plus since it would be for their survival they would have more drive and adrenaline to help them do so. I don't know. Seems like it could be an OK movie though

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