華為P40 / P40 Pro / P40 PRO PLUS-安裝Google Apps和Google Play商店2020-無需USB

現在可以在您的華為P40和華為P40 Pro上安裝Google Playstore和Google服務,例如GMS! 在Android 10上獲取所有Huawei P40 Pro應用! GMS下載TECHMAGNET黑客:https://bit.ly/3bsvIzA。 或https://bit.ly/2XQsfa1↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓打開更多信息↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓——— ————————————————– ————————————–(ADVERT)太複雜了嗎? 可以從預安裝了GMS的TSZ購買:https://tradingshenzhen.com/en/(ADVERT)對技術感興趣! ►►►INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/techmagnet_yt https://www.tech-magnet.tech https://www.facebook.com/techmagnet/ https://twitter.com/techmagnet_yt ## ########感謝您下載P40 Pro NO USB安裝指南##########如果可以,請幫我一個忙,喜歡我的視頻並訂閱:) ###### ##### www.youtube.com/techmagnet ################ 1)下載並安裝HI-Suite:https://consumer.huawei.com/en/支持… 2)解壓P40 Pro Hack軟體包3)將備份文件夾(Huawei P40 Pro_2020 …)複製到C: Users USER Documents HiSuite backup 4)啟動HI-Suite 5)啟用USB文件從下拉菜單轉移手機6)等待Hi-Suite檢測到手機7)進入手機上的設置,搜索HDB並允許HI-Suite允許HDB訪問8)在HI中輸入手機授權碼-Suite軟體9)讓Hi-Suite為手機安裝Hi-Suite應用程序10)在PC上的Hi-Suite中按還原11)選擇我的備份文件(3個應用程序)12)按還原13)輸入密碼### techm agnetyoutub3 ### 13)將APK文件夾中的9個文件從zip文件複製到手機的內部存儲器中! ##########在您的電話上################確保互聯網已打開! 1)打開LZPLAY APP(紫色G圖標)-允許管理員,然後按藍色條開始下載。 現在通過向上滑動來關閉應用程序。 2)轉到文件管理器3)安裝APK 1至6 4)轉到電話上的設置和用戶帳戶5)選擇新帳戶並添加Google帳戶6)登錄7)轉到文件管理器。 安裝APK 7 8)檢查playstore是否處於活動狀態9)轉到設置和應用-搜索Google Play服務並卸載10)轉到文件管理器。 安裝APK 8 11)轉到設置和應用-啟用「顯示系統應用」(3個點)並搜索Google Services Framework 12)清除緩存,清除數據並卸載。 13)轉到文件管理器。 安裝APK 7 14)檢查Playstore是否處於活動狀態。 15)轉到設置和應用-搜索Google Play服務並卸載16)轉到文件管理器。 安裝APK 9完成! 請享用!!!!!!!!!!!!! ##########故障排除################如果設備在卸載過程中凍結。 重新啟動手機。 再試一次以停止服務並卸載。 檢查您是否完全遵循了指南! 如果無法卸載,請從頭開始重試。 #huawei #google#p40pro ——————————————– ————————————————– -音樂製作人:音樂(購買)-流行聲音鏈接帶有*的鏈接是Affiliate Links huawei p40 pro apps。

  1. What a load of rubbish followed every step until we get to signing in existing Google accounts and then the message 'Couldn't sign in' Tried these steps several times on the P40 Pro what a waste of time…………………

  2. Headache. Huawei need to hire a DEV. guy so that it's done automatically. Plz elaborate on phone clone. How does it work on p40 pro. Thanks.

  3. now cannot works. The app with 'G' which is google service assistant cannot open. It shows 'currently does not support the device' translated from Chinese. So I cannot proceed on to add google account step. as it says there is a issue to communicating google server, please try again later. I tried hundreds times, the google server still does not work. need help. any new updated data?

  4. Hey..need ur help..im.stuck in step 1 on my phone(p40 pro) i cant download anything from the LZplay app(the purple G app)need ur help on this..thanks

  5. OMG! to complicated :(:(:(:( and i want this phone badly (Best camera ever) but knowing about the issues with google i will force myself to get a samsung galaxy 🙁

  6. The problem with all this is that the G app (LZ Play) is old and out of date now. It's a miracle it still works at all on any model, but it won't for much longer unless it's updated. it certainly didn't work on my phone.

  7. Hi trying to install on P40 Pro which is updated to the latest OS and cannot sign in to GMS at the add APK 6 file where you go to settings and sign in to your google account – any help please?

  8. TechMagnet with all do respect.. why do you skip the most important step at???? i cant log in to my google account !! at ( 6:42 )
    after typing email and password, it says a problem occurred while communicating with google servers. So i wonder how you managed that process.. its a shame that you skipped recording this process..

    i would like an answer from you TechMagnet 🙂

  9. I dont understand the p40 pro comes with 10.1 by default… yet these guides don't work for 10.1.. so how have you been doing this? How do we downgrade to 10.0?

  10. You foolish people… My antivirus almost immediatly blocked one of the files and said it was high risk trojan… Idk if it really was, but I will pass

  11. Unfortunately, push notifications do not work on all apps and updates you have to check for yourself, will not come automatically

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